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Raining...it was raining hard as You and Mizu were running away from something. Your ears were hurting from the cold rain as you held Mizu's hand, interlocking fingers with her so that you wouldn't loosen your grip.

???: Don't let those dogs get away!

Seeing a hiding spot a few meters away from the both of you. You began to pull Mizu gently in that direction. Hiding there as you hug her close to you. Her head was on your chest while your arms wrapped around her waist.

???: Dammit! I told you not to lose them!

???: S-sorry Taigen...t-they were quick that my eyes Los-(Get's hit in the head) ouch!

Taigen: You should be searching the area right now, then stuttering like a helpless idiot!

One of the kids nodded as Taigen sighed in frustration. Slamming his stick on the ground that he idiotically cut himself with it. He yelps in pain as he lets go of his stick, holding his now bleeding finger.

Peeking through the hiding spot. You spot Taigen. The one who bullied You and Mizu nonstop for days, weeks, and months. And always getting treated like a dog than a normal human being. especially getting called a demon for having blue eyes(Mizu) and red eyes(You)

Mizu: Mmm...

Mizu whimpered softly against your chest, sensing that she was shivering from the cold rain and being wet from it. You looked around your hiding spot for some warm clothes to wrap it around her. But you found none and nothing but mud everywhere.

You: Mizu.....

Sighing sadly, you hug her tightly as if you were going to lose her from the cold, lying down your chin on top of her head as you lean your back against the tree and lay down, while Mizu is on top of your lap as her head remains lying on your chest.


The rain had stopped as you slowly opened your eyes. Finding out Mizu was sleeping against your chest. Looking up the sky, it was still dark, but at least it stopped raining.

Shaking Mizu slightly, Her eyes started to open slowly, letting out a long yawn as she began to look around, noticing it had stopped raining.

Mizu: Y/n...it stopped raining...

You: Yeah it did...all we had to do now is to dry ourselves, prevent us from getting sick.

She nods her head in agreement before standing up, followed by you.

Mizu: What now? We cannot go back to the orphanage...

You: We'll..try to find someplace to stay...hopefully...there still someone left who had a heart to take as in..."

There was a silence between the two of you. Hoping there is. You both were tired of getting treated like an animal and not a human being. And hoping one day will be treated like a normal human being.

So searching the whole place with each other. You both passed each village which was a bit rude and the same. Throwing stuff whenever you both step on their doorstep to knock.

Some throw shits, some throw broken wooden spoons. And some throw hot water that gives you burn mark on your forehead.

 And some throw hot water that gives you burn mark on your forehead

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Mizu: Does it still hurt?

You groan in response as Mizu put some snow con towards your burn mark to heal it a little bit. And prevent it from bleeding any further.

She held your hand, reassuring you of the pain you're feeling right now.  and just by Mizu being with you. You felt relaxed. as if she was always the medicine you needed to take away any pain that had threatened your body.

You sigh contentedly. savoring her touch as you lean against it. Feeling your warm face against her palm. Mizu felt butterflies in her stomach. Her face burned slightly as a tint of hue pink spread through her cheek, clearly visible to you.

Her breath caught up in her throat as she couldn't help but smile at this situation they were both in. It felt good to her that she couldn't understand what she was feeling towards you. Or is it normal to have feelings this way since both of you were friends for 12 months.

But Mizu doesn't care about any of that right now as she is just focused on giving attention to you. She leans close to your cheek. Giving a slight kiss as your eyes flutter open. Feeling her soft lips that touched your face which made you blush a bit. And your jaw was hanging down a bit.

Mizu then began to giggle softly at your reaction right now that she kissed your cheek again. Making your jaw hang down even more.

Mizu: Why's your face red? Are you sick?

She asked with a raised eyebrow. Not knowing what's going on with you.

You snap out of your shockness as you shook your head, staring at her blue eyes.

You: Just..surprised on how soft your lips were...and I was not expecting it was soft...

You said while scratching the back of your head.

Mizu: Really? Then could you explain why your face is red?

You: Well, Mizu, this is what you called Blush. (Mizu Nod, her head) were you show shyness, embarrassment, or shame by becoming red in the face. Like you kissing me in the cheek earlier, which I felt Shy and embarrassed from it.

Mizu: Ohhh. So. You were not sick?

You chuckled, shaking your head.

You: Mizu, there are many different meanings when our face is red. Some are drunk, shy, embarrassed, ashamed, sick and etc.

Mizu: Oh, ok, ok. Got it. So you were red cause you felt shy and embarrassed by me suddenly kissing you in the cheek?

You nod your head.

You: Yep.

Mizu: What about the etc you meant?

You stopped for a moment as you did say that. now Mizu is curious about what other meaning of blushing meant.

You: I'll...explain that when your are old enough-

Raising an eyebrow, Mizu looked at you with a questionable look as you just sweat drop.

(Ama, skip this part cause why not?)

It's been a week since no one was willing to take you two to their homes, which sucks ass. But Luckily, you both came across to a blind Oldman who was walking around the village as he took you two in. Giving you food and a pair of kimino that you both are comfortable with than your old ones.

Feeling happy.  you both started to live with him, calling him your sword father since he is a famous wordsmith called Eiiji.

(I don't know if that's how his name is spelled - but yeah that's the end of this chapter. See ya)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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