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"Don't you think this is a little straight forward, baby cakes? You just met him." My mom said as she fixed my hair.
"Mom, he's really sweet, and I think we had a spark..." I smoothed out my red dress.
"A spark ? Really?" My mom asked as if I were being sarcastic.
"Yes really," I rolled my eyes, " He's very sweet. I like that in a guy."
My mom rolled her eyes.
"I just don't want you leaving Tyler that fast... you to were truely in love."
"Mom, Tyler's gone... and besides," I stood up, "I'm only sixteen, he was in his 20s."
I could see her point. But moving fast was kinda my thing I guess.
  I opened the door and saw Max in khakis and a ugly sweater. I laughed abbot then held back as I saw him eyeing the red dress I was wearing.
  "I am way to underprepared for this." He whispered slightly , and I laughed grabbing his shoulder. I could almost sense him blushing, and it was absolutely adorable.
"So, um, are we walking or..." he coughed and pushed back his hair.
  "Sure, its only a few minutes away right?" I shrugged.
I smiled, attempting to match his adorable smile, and we set off to our date.
"It's a burger joint?" Max stuck out his hand for me to climb down the steps.
"Not just a burger joint,"  He panicked and ran to a table, "kinda like a buffet." He pressed all these little buttons, and a plate of noodles arose through a tube in the ceiling.
"Very impressive.."  I made my face surprised and he laughed.
  "So what do you want to eat?" He asked.
"Aren't you getting something?"
"Noodles." He was already half way through the plate.
"I'll have a salad I guess."
"Really Chloe, trying to make me look like I'm unhealthy on our first date?" He dropped his fork and pushed back his plate, but he was being sarcastic.
The salad flew down the tube and landed in a giant clump in the center of our table.
"It's really cool isn't it?" Max smiled.
"Yeah... I bit messy.." I raised my eyebrows and laughed.
I could feel him looking in my eyes, my blue eyes, so I looked in his and the earth felt quiet. It's been one day. One day and I've fallen madly in love with a stranger.
"So tell me about yourself." Max continued to eat.
"Well, um, there's really nothing to know." I shrugged.
"Come on, Chloe Smith came from somewhere right!?"
I smirked and shook my head. "There's really nothing I mean, I was born in Paris, but raised in New York, Michagin, Minnesota, California.."
"So your parents must move around a lot?" He looked at me softly.
"Oh yeah. My dads a lawyer and my moms a waitress."
He laughed but instantly took it back.
"I hope you don't mind me asking but why are your parents careers so different rank wise?"
I tilted my head. " Um... it's fine ... my actual dad died in a plane crash a month before I was born, so my mom kinda had to date rich to keep me alive."
"Are they married?"
"Are your mom and moms boyfriend married?"
"Oh," I was slightly startled, " No, well kinda... he proposed before we moved." I rolled my eyes.
  "I'm... I'm sorry... is that an iffy subject for you?" He stuttered.
"Yeah, can we... um... not.."
"Yeah sure." He said bluntly.
It's honestly not his fault that he brought it up... all of my boyfriends have.
   "Who?" I looked up from my lap to see Max staring at me.
  "I'm sorry?"
"Who are you thinking about?" he handed the waiter the money.
  "No one... it's nothing." I stuttered.
"Well then... we on for date two?"

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