Relationship hcs (Others pov)

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Related to the relationship hcs chapter except now its on the others' view of Earth

Timeline is after Moon Revolution unless said otherwise

Sun: He sees him as a sort of 'glass child' and he can't really do much about it other than just to keep doing what he was always doing. He now keeps a closer eye on him now after his stunt during 'The Earth is heading into the Sun?!?!" video, mostly making sure he doesn't drift near him again and generally, from his orbit.

Mercury: Pre-redemtion arc, he didn't have any opinion on Earth but thought he was a good enough guy, atleast tolerable than Venus. During the 'Is the Moon really leaving us?' video, he started to develop negative feelings towards Earth since he basically called him a moon! Not that being a moon is bad but, still! Post-redemption, he still has lingering feelings about Earth, but he's seen, first-hand how he genuinely wants to have a better personality and become a better... planet? ...person??? You get it.

Venus: He sees him sort of as an reckless, annoying, and stupid younger sibling. Emphasis on sibling since deep down, he still cares about him and sometimes shows his concern mainly on the increasing rate of all the space trash surrounding Earth's orbit.

Also can we talk about how Venus is one of the only ones consistently shown when talking about pollution? It could be just coincidence in the writing OR he genuinely feels concerned about Earth. Okay the second one can apply to both but YOU GET THE PICTURE RIGHT??? ITS NOT JUST ME??? Okay I'll shut up 💔💔💔🥀🥀🥀🖤🖤🖤⛓⛓⛓

Earth: 🥰🥰🥰 🌎👉☀️

Luna: They are inseperable.
Slightly mixed feelings since their relationship (AS SIBLINGS) is slowly improving and growing since after the Moon Revolution, but he's still so loyal to Earth and cares about him alot!!! Sometimes the two would watch a random Earthling live their life and end up either traumatized or bored, no in between. They are BROTHERS, your honor.

ANYWAYS... He sees Earth as his BESTIE OFC 😍 but in all seriousness, he had a lingering off feeling about Earth, pre-titan arc. He still cared alot about him after the 'Venus vs Mars' video, but he had to make the right choice. But deep down, he hopes something would jumpstart their friendship again. WISH GRANTED, BTW IN 'The Moon Revolution Part 3" video.
NOW GOING BACK TO CURRENT TIMELINE: Their relationship improved now that Earth made an effort to change for the better!

Jupiter: Similar to the Sun, he sees him as a 'glass child' but can you blame him? He has to be on the watch for incoming asteroids 24/7 or all his hard earned life would be dead. Sometimes he feels irrirated when Earth and Mars plays Asteroid Dodgeball, but it was good that Earth could dodge asteroids if ever one slips into the inner Solar System.

+ As much as Earth sees Jupiter as a Father Figure, he can't seem to reciprocate the feeling (seeing Earth as a son). At most, he can only see Earth as a little brother than a son. (Not dissing the AUs with Earth and Jupiter having a father-son relationship. I'm in LOVE with that hc, but I'm trying to keep it close to the show than an au)

Saturn: He REALLY wants to get closer to Earth. He even wants to introduce him to Titan!!! (We all know how that went)

Uranus: He hasn't really payed much attention to Earth, or any of the Rocky Planets in general, but he's heard a thing or two about Earth which gave him a general outline on who the Earth is, well, mostly his physical appearance.

Neptune: "What's an 'Earth'?"

Pluto: When he was demoted to a Dwarf Planet, he felt a sort of resentment to Earth. Ever since he was demoted, all of the 4.5 billion years of relationships he had with the planets somehow vanished! Post-Pluto arc, he no longer hates Earth, but it doesn't mean he likes him. He feels neutral about Earth now. Maybe a little mixed feelings, but he matured.

Literally anyone else outside the Solar System: Erm... who ????

Jk i really dont know if anyone knows anyone outside of their star system. Ooo maybe rogue planets know some things about other planets outside their star systems, but anyways thats all 💔💔💔

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