Chapter 1:Secret

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(Hello! I hope you enjoy and please tell me how you like this side of Mitch ^-^!)

Mitch's POV

I sucked in a small breath and prepared to play my violin. "Start." My mother commanded in a gentle voice but it still had an edge to it. I started loosing myself in the notes. I didn't even have to look at the music sheet, all ready had memorized beforehand. I loved music my only escape from my harsh mother, backstabbing friends, and my stupid stuck up sister even though she can't do a fraction of what I can do.

I finished the song and looked at my mother's face searching approval. All I got was a displeased look painted on her face. I swear that face is set in stone. "You messed up a note." "It was almost perfect th-" She slammed her hands onto the coffee table making me stop what I was about to say. "Almost and Perfect are not the same! Until you get this right you aren't eating a speck of food do you understand?" My eyes went wide I could feel the tears wanting to escape my eyes and run down my face.

Like always I'm not perfect. "Yes, mother." I looked at the floor until she left the music room and walked up the stairs. What's the point of being this rich and this smart if it never seems enough? I sighed putting the violin away. Don't want to eat anyway. "Oh looks like the fag isn't eating tonight is that so?" A high pitched crow like voice snorted and laughed like a pig. I turned around to see my sister. Her high,long pig nose went up higher, if possible, on her face almost as if she scrunched it up.

She had bright blue eyes and pitch black hair. She was wearing things that somehow count as clothes instead of underwear. Tight, extremely short shorts. A shirt that looked more like a bra than anything and high heels.

I present to you Catherine or Cat the family Hughes's slut and sadly only sister. (Random girl and yes i know he has more siblings but I decided only one for this story.)

Somehow guys found her attractive don't ask how. I had come out a while ago and my family and maids/butlers were okay with it. Except, her obviously. My mother would stop feeding me or beat me if I didn't do something perfect. If you already guessed than yes my family is wealthy and I am grateful for having this much and all but I feel as if all this isn't worth the fight. Maybe, I'm missing something but what?

"Go, suck a dick and shut up!" I said between gritted teeth and walked up the long stairs and into the huge room. It was already 8:00 exactly when dinner is served. Sadly, my father is on a business trip so he won't be joining the girls for dinner. "Mitch?" A familiar voice whispered through the door and a gentle knick was placed. "come in." The door opened and my favorite maid Sandy walked in. "Here I brought you a family size bag of doritos so you don't starve up here." She put it gently on the nightstand. "Thank you but actually I was heading to bed." She nodded and turned the lights off. "goodnight" "night" I responded back as she closed the door. I laid in bed not really all that tired.

I reached to a small music box under my bed and gently put it on my lap. I opened the music box it instantly played a gentle tone I loved. There were three things in the box A bracelet, a ring, and a small photograph. I took the photo and smiled holding it close to my chest. The picture was of me and my one true love, Jerome. He's a senior in highschool like me. "You will be my only secret"
I closed the box and slid it under my bed and hugged the picture close to my chest. If, I wasn't sleepy a minute ago I now was. I let my mind slip into unconsciousness.

O.o I hope you enjoyed and I will see chu next chapter

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