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Layla was frustrated. She had spent the entirety of her summer break back in her mum's hometown; London, trying hard to forget about what went down in her personal life last year and it went well. She saw her family for the first time in a few years and took the chance to wind down.

But being back home made everything trickle back in through the cracks of the emotional wall she had erected. Every fight, every high and every low came flooding back to her as soon as the gates of Hartley High entered her eyeline.

The only thing stopping her from dropping out of school altogether was her parents who strongly refused her pleas. So, Layla vowed to herself that whatever happens this year — whatever shit is thrown at her — she wouldn't break and she damn well wouldn't let the same people hurt her again.

"Oi Layla!"

Internally scoffing at the familiar voice, Layla gripped the handle of her bag tighter and continued walking in the direction of the school entrance.

"Layla I know you can hear me."

She rolled her eyes and continued walking, not turning around or giving the person any indication that she had heard them until she screamed back, "Leave me alone, Amerie."

"Look I know I messed up but it was a mistake Lay, I was drunk." The raven haired girl clambered messily along the road after layla in an attempt to catch up with her.

"You know what?" Layla exclaimed, turning around to face one of the people that made the last six weeks of her life hell, and huffed.

"I don't care anymore, Amerie. I really do not give a fuck if you're sorry — leave me alone or I swear to fuck I will hurt you." Her voice came out strained, accentuating the veins in her neck as she screamed at the girl who less than two months ago, she considered family.

Amerie stood there silently and blinked at Layla's sudden outburst. She knew that she fucked up but she didn't really consider how hard the fallout would affect her relationship with her friend. She didn't move. She didn't move when Layla stormed away from her and into the school premises or when the bell rang to indicate that classes had started.

Amerie Wadia was royally fucked.

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