Cleopatra vs. AJ Lee

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Monday Night Raw
May 20, 2013
Kansas City, Missouri
Sprint Center

Monday Night RawMay 20, 2013Kansas City, MissouriSprint Center

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Cleopatra currently stood inside of the ring after making her entrance with The Shield, who were currently standing at ring side as AJ Lee hung between the ropes like she didn't have a care in the world

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Cleopatra currently stood inside of the ring after making her entrance with The Shield, who were currently standing at ring side as AJ Lee hung between the ropes like she didn't have a care in the world. Cleopatra kisses her Divas Championship and then leans down and hands it over to Dean who takes it from her and holds it close to his side as she then turns back around to AJ.

Once the referee has made sure that both competitors were ready to compete he rings the bell and once the bell is rung AJ immediately goes after Cleopatra. AJ clotheslines Cleopatra which makes her fall down onto the mat as AJ smirks in happiness at the sight of her in pain.

Cleopatra then struggles to get to her feet as AJ grabs her by her hair and neck and then delivers a neckbreaker to her. AJ then rolls over Cleopatra and delivers another neckbreaker to her.

Cleopatra holds onto her head in pain as Dean, Roman and Seth all bang on the apron to give her some momentum to fight back against AJ. AJ then covers Cleopatra going for the pin but Cleopatra kicks out at two.

AJ then grabs Cleopatra by her hair brings her up to her feet as Cleopatra then punches AJ in the face repeatedly. Cleopatra then pushes AJ against the ropes and goes to attack her but AJ counters it by hitting Cleopatra in the chest making her fall down onto the mat again.

As Cleopatra lays on the mat trying to recover from AJ's attack on her AJ begins to skip around the ring as the WWE Universe boos her.

AJ after a while stops skipping and walks over to Cleopatra and grabs her by her hair and gets her back up to her feet as Cleopatra throws AJ's arms off of her and then kicks AJ in the abdomen making her fall down to her knees.

AJ gets back up to her feet and dodges another kick from Cleopatra who then instead kicks AJ in the face making her fall down onto the mat. Cleopatra then begins to mock AJ by twirling her hair and skipping around the ring in the same exact manner as she does as the WWE Universe along with Dean, Roman and Seth cheer her on.

Cleopatra then turns back to AJ and kicks her in the head making her fall down on the mat once more. Cleopatra then slaps and delivers double knees to AJ who tries to roll out of the ring only for Cleopatra to stop her by grabbing her legs while AJ holds on tightly to the ropes.

The referee then pulls Cleopatra away from AJ as AJ crawls over to the side of the ring and holds onto the ropes from there as Cleopatra then moves around the referee and runs over to AJ and kicks her in the side as AJ screams out in pain.

Cleopatra then begins to kick any part of AJ that she is able to get to before the referee once again pulls her off of AJ.

Cleopatra argues with the referee for a moment before turning back to AJ and kicking her some more. Once again the referee pulls Cleopatra away from AJ only for Cleopatra to go back to AJ and pull her up by her hair and drag her towards the middle of the ring.

Cleopatra then picks AJ up only for AJ to turn the move back on her and go in for the Black Widow but struggles to lock it in as Cleopatra tries to fight out of it.

The guys all bang on the mat to give Cleopatra some encouragement as Dean then decides to walk around to the side of the ring and stand on the apron and begins to yell at AJ who falls for the bait and lets Cleopatra out of her hold as Cleopatra then falls down to the mat and rolls over to the corner for a breather prompting both Roman and Seth to pull her out of the ring.

Seth handed Cleopatra her Divas Championship as Dean jumped off of the apron and ran around to the guys and Cleopatra as AJ and the referee then turned around seeing that Cleopatra was slowly backing away from the ring and going up the ramp prompting the referee to begin to count Cleopatra out while AJ just started yelling at her to get back inside of the ring and finish the match.

Cleopatra just smirked and held up her Divas Championship while holding onto Seth for support while the referee reached ten and then gestured for the bell to be rung. "And the winner of this match as a result of a count out, AJ Lee!" Justin Roberts announced as the referee held up AJ's hand in victory while her music played throughout the arena.

Cleopatra just smiled and held onto her Divas Championship tightly as AJ just glared at her in anger. She may have been counted out and lost the match but Cleopatra was still the Divas Champion and that's all that really mattered to her in the end.

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