Chapter I

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"I want to die."

Velvette walks down the line of her assistants, frowning at every piece of clothing there is. She makes it to me and glances over the dress I'm holding. It's a black, off the shoulder dress with long sleeves and a train skirt in the back.

"Yes... yes! This is the one! Oh you never disappoint, Y/N!" She grins and happily takes the dress from my hands, gazing over it. A small smile forms on my lips, I knew she'd like it.

The other workers send glares my way, but I ignore them. I always do.

"As for the others" Her eyes narrowed into slits as she looked back at them. "Do better, or else you're all fired next time." She flips her hair over her shoulder and struts away, her high heels clacking on the shiny marble floors.

I quickly make my leave before problems start with the assistants.

As I look over my shoulder, I ran into Vox's assistant. The small and shy one with glasses. I never knew his name, cause it wasn't too important for me to know. "Oh, my apologies, Y/N!" He adjusts his crooked glasses.

"No worries" I offer him a small smile, looking around. "Do you know where Vox is?" I ask.

"Vox...? He's over there." He points at the tall, TV head man who is currently being surrounded by paparazzi and journalists. He has a fake smile on his face as he tries his best to answer all the questions being thrown at him.

"My dear people, we at VoxTech Enterprises have always been at the forefront of innovation. And now, with this new oncoming threat, we are shifting our focus to your protection. We are pleased to announce VoxTech Angelic Security is coming soon. Trust us with your safety."

A wide grin spreads on his face as one of his eyes turns into a hypnotic swirl. The reporter's eyes go wide as they all stare into his hypnotic gaze, seemingly in a trance.

He chuckles a little to himself before turning around and walking to his assistant, which is my way.

"Try to get that bitch Carmilla on the books and cancel all my appointments today. I have a fire to put out upstairs." He rolls his eyes as he watches his assistant type away on his device. I just stand there and admire his tall figure next to mine.

He notices the feeling of a pair of eyes on him and looks at me, one of his digital eyebrows raising. "You're Y/N, Velvette's assistant, right?"

"Yeah... that's me" I stand a little taller, trying to look the most presentable to this intimidating but attractive guy.

"Ah well, I don't think we've had a proper introduction yet." He smiles and a little spark flies from his antenna. He reaches his hand out and I shake it. He keeps a firm grip on my hand for a second or two before releasing it.

"Well, it's been a pleasure to meet you. Trust me, I'd love to speak more, but unfortunately for me, I have a problem I need to take care of." His smile tightens and his eye glitches a little.

I nod in understatement. "Yeah. Nice to meet you too. I won't keep you here though." I nervously laugh and back up a little, signaling our conversation is over. He nods, glancing at his assistant one more time before walking over to the elevator. I watch as he presses the button for the doors to open up and steps inside, the doors closing behind him.

I look back over at his assistant, who is still typing away on his device. "Did he mention a meeting with Carmilla? The woman who sells all those weapons?"

He looks up from the screen, adjusting his glasses which fell down his nose a little. "Uh yes, he did. What about it?" He raises an eyebrow quizzically.

"No reason." I lie. Of course there's a reason. Me being the nosy sinner I am, I want to see what Carmilla is calling the overlords to a meeting for. Hopefully I can convince Velvette to let me come along.

"You... what now?" Velvette tilts her head, looking up from her glowing phone screen.

"I would like to come to that meeting with you." I repeat, smiling nervously.

"Uh sure i guess? I don't see why you'd want to come along to that old hag's meeting." She rolls her eyes and types rapidly on her phone again. "But yeah, if it means I can have company to distract me, then you can come." She offers a half smile before walking off.


(NEW STORYYYYY. Yes yes I know. Short chapter full of shitty writing! That's how I roll. Expect more new, shitty stories, cause I've got a lot planned ^^)

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