Chapter II

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"Y/N!" I hear Velvette's voice call my name from the front entrance of the building. I quickly grab my jacket and rush down to where she stands, seemingly talking on the phone to Vox.

"Yes, I've got it handled, Vox. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought. Hahaha. Yes, I know. They're all a joke. Hahahah. Thank you, Vee. See you soon. Kisses, darling." She hangs up the phone, looking up at me.

"Ready to go." I smile. She smiles back and we both make our way through the doors, Val's moth-like assistants opening them for us.

We walk down the street together past burning dumpster fires, street fights, window displays of people... fucking... Basically the normal sight of an average day in hell.

Some girl runs down the street past us, singing something along the lines of "A happy day in Hell". I don't really agree with that, but whatever helps her survive this place, I guess. Velvette ignores the girl, typing away on her phone like usual.

"So what time does the meeting start?" I ask, grabbing her attention for a slight second.

"Around 2:00PM" She says, going back to collecting likes and messaging her friends. I notice thé little hearts and likes literally float upwards from her screen at a fast speed. Woah.

I check the time on my hellphone. It's 2:30. "Uhh we're quite late..." I point out.

"Yeah I know. Bad bitches like me don't let old windbags tell me what I can and can't do. Especially a time to show up to some meeting." She smiles, not looking away from her phone. Velvette sure is addicted to that thing...

We make it to the tall building and walk inside, going up the elevator. I take a deep breath as we walk out, Velvette on the other hand, stays completely normal with her sassy attitude.

We walk up to the two closed doors and she kicks them open. "What's up bitches!" She yells loudly, pulling me along. I flush a dark red of embarrassment. Oh my Satan.

There is a long table in the middle of the room, a bunch of overlords sitting around it. Carmilla sits at the head of the table, her two across from each other. Some recognizable faces are at the table such as Rosie, Zestial, and... Alastor? The radio demon? I look at him with a questionable gaze. Didn't he disappear for 7 years? Isn't this also the same demon that Vox quite literally despises?

He glances at me with a wide, yellow toothed grin. His eyelids narrow slightly as he examines me. I look away and instead look over at Zestial, who is sitting next to Carmilla and is giving Velvette a disappointed look, Carmilla doing the same.

Velvette chuckles a little. "I know, I know, the life of the party is here." She grins wickedly. She starts to pull me to the two empty seats at the table, but then stops in her tracks.

"Oh! Pardon me! I forgot something." She let's go of my wrist and instead reaches into her bag.

"On the topic of discussion..." She pulls out... an angel's head?! My eyes widen as I watch her toss the bloody head down the table, leaving a trail of glimmering golden blood behind it. Rosie and Alastor's eyes follow the head as it rolls. "How delightful!" Alastor says with his usual wide grin. Rosie licks her lips, revealing a smile full of sharp teeth. Hm. Cannibals.

Velvette smirks. "We found it during Extermination Day. If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed. We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan."

I raise an eyebrow at Velvette. What is she talking about? What assault plan?

Carmilla's eyebrows furrow and one eye twitches, as she looks down at the decapitated head.

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