I never wanted this

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While Mr Chalamet was speaking, she glanced at her father-in-law. Her response, "Never," drew everyone's attention. Meanwhile, Mr. Chalamet scowls. "What's wrong with that?"

Laila declared as she got to her feet, "Everything is wrong! I never intended to get married. I never wanted this I feel completely suffocated in this marriage, and now you want a child? Are you serious?

"Laila! Act appropriately, what is wrong with you?" Laila didn't care if her mother was upset with her. "What's wrong with me? I'm not flawed in any way. I will now conclude our meeting. I wish to leave this place now." In an instant, she left that location.

Everyone was taken aback by Laila's actions, with the exception of Chris, who got up and declared, "I'm going to leave now. I'll see you shortly." With a sigh, Chris's father followed his son out of the building.

Upon exiting the eatery, he noticed Laila standing with her arms folded.

"Laila... "

Laila clenched her eyes angrily as she heard Chris calling. She then said, "Look, I'm not here to listen to your so-called advice; you can't force yourself into this thing, and that's my final words," without even turning around. However, Chris's words caused Laila to turn around just as she was ready to move.

"I know you're upset by the words my father said, but you could have told it in a proper way, you know?"

"In a proper way? Mr. Chalamet I'm not feeling like debating you right now. I don't give a damn if my actions disappointed you. For me, my deed was appropriate." Laila then climbed into the car.

Chris made a fist. As he said " Take her home. I'll be back later." the driver gave a nod. As he drove away.

He extracted his cigarette and exhaled the smoke from his lips. "I know that neither Laila nor I desired this marriage, so I need to get rid of it. I had to persuade my dad to dissolve this marriage."

The living room was where Laila was seated. Her frustration with this marriage was already building. Maria approached Laila at that moment. "Madam? "Are you okay?" Laila felt an immediate want to tell Maria about everything that had transpired. Because she is aware that only Maria, who has personally witnessed everything that takes place in this home, could relate to her situation. How Chris and Laila cohabit.

"What should I say Maria? This marriage....this marriage has got to stop. Every day seems to be an endless torment. Do you know what took place today? My father-in-law brought up the topic of us having a child today. Maria How can I express my desire to leave this place? I can't imagine Chris as my husband; I don't love him. I'm unable to."

Laila placed a hand atop her chest. With this issue, she thought she would lose it at any time. Maria cast a pitying glance at madam, she felt sorry for her. It's true that it can be challenging to live with a partner you can't accept.

However, no one can disagree with what Mr. Chalamet said. This place is owned by him. It can be very serious to betray his statements. Because Chris is familiar with his father, even he was unable to comment. You have to obey his commands when they are given to you.

Maria placed her hand over Laila's and applied pressure. Laila turned to face Maria. "Madam, you need not worry; everything will turn out OK. You may be going through hardship right now, but in the end, everything will work out for the best. Just a tiny bit of trust will do."

Laila nodded while smiling. "Thank you, Maria." Laila later ate dinner and returned to her room. The time was 10:30 p.m. at this point. But Chris had not returned. Laying down on the bed, Laila considered the possibility that he had some business to attend to. Muttering to herself, she closed her eyes and attempted to sleep. "Please, I need a good sleep today."

At seven in the morning, Laila slowly awoke. She had a very youthful feeling today. Perhaps because Laila was unable to get enough restful sleep. She got dressed for work after getting out of bed.

As she descended the stairs, she noticed Maria looking concerned and the other maids chatting away.

Calling Maria out, Laila tilts her head in perplexity. "What wrong, Maria?"

"Sir didn't arrive the entire night, sir. And we got to know that sir went to Paris."

"What? Why Paris though? Why suddenly he left for Paris?"

"Though I'm not positive, I believe he got into a fight with Master, which explains why this has happened before. After a fight between Sir and Master, Sir always travels to Paris and remains there for a long time."

"Is there a reason he visits Paris only?"

"Sir's girlfriend resides in Paris. He pays her frequent visits, but I'm not sure right now."

So every time he gets frustrated, he heads to his girlfriend's house? He is essentially unfaithful to me behind my back. That cannot be tolerated. Wait, this has already occurred once. I questioned, turning to face Maria. "When we got married during those times, did he go to Paris once?"

"Yes, sir, he went to Paris before, also when he was married to you." I gave a nod. Why in the world did he marry me if he already had a girlfriend? I mean, am I really this funny to everyone in here? Is there no way he could just wed his damn girlfriend?

"Ok, fine, and Maria, I'm going for my work." I swiftly left without giving Maria a chance to say anything. It's enough. How much longer must I put up with this foolish marriage? I must get away from this guy. I can no longer reside here.

"Don't you think that staying here would cause a problem?" Chris turned to face his helper. "It wouldn't, I would tell Father
I'm here for work if he calls. It's best not to live in Germany right now."

"And what about madam?" Chris chuckled as he considered Laila.

"Whether I reside there or not is irrelevant to her. Nothing will happen because I'll be returning in two days."

"Sir, I understand it's inappropriate to inquire, but will you be residing with Madam? Or are you planning anything else?" Chris experienced an odd sensation upon hearing this question. He walked up to his chair and took a seat.

"The day I saw Laila for the first time, I noticed a very strange look, which I didn't expect. You are aware of how the world operates—money is everything. I also believed that Father had selected a money-hungry girl. However, from the moment I met her till now, it was evident that Laila wasn't here to for my money. She wasn't here because she liked me or something. She had no choice but to do this. She had no choice but to wed me."

"I didn't marry for my own will, just. It was forced, and I knew that this would not work. Because if two individuals aren't willing to make a relationship work, you can't compel them to stay together. So I figured I would discuss divorce with my father."

"But sir, do you think the master would agree to this?"

"That's the main problem, you know, making father agree to this is the main problem."

"Nevertheless, sir, I believe you ought to give this marriage a chance. Like, the madam isn't all that bad." Chris interrupted the secretary mid-sentence. "I don't believe in relationships, how can you ever know whether you're being taken advantage of in one? Giving this marriage a chance is pointless because, you know, even if I am aware that Laila is not in it for the money, maybe this is just an act as well."

The secretary got up and simply nodded. "Then, if you need anything, just call me, sir."

After making a bow, he walked away.
Chris headed for the large glass window that overlooked the most breathtaking vista in Paris. "Second chance, huh?" his secretary asked as he considered what he had just said. Chris, however, felt it was a dumb idea. Relationships these days are nothing more than a waste of time. "The faster I get over this, the better it will be."

He turned to look back, scowled, and walked over to his phone when it suddenly rang.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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