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•{the show}•

Robert was never one for pop music, it wasn't something he willingly would listen to. But when one of his close friends said she got invited to open for a concert. He couldn't not go and support her.

He had never heard of the girl, but after talking to his friends. In the words of Ryan 'she's pretty fucking famous'.

The girl was from Belfast, a place he never ventured to. Not that it mattered obviously, he was only going to watch his friend.


Robert and his friends all stood at the back of the venue, it was bigger than anything they had ever performed in before. Although it wasn't large enough to be classified as a stadium tour.

Leonie was a good singer he knew that, therefore he had no worry for her when singing.

So him and his three friends all cheered dearly, trying to encourage everyone around them to join in. What were friends for of not cheering you on.

"what a performance" Josh clapped to his friends who all looked at him weirdly. Only due to the fact their friend had been off the stage for about seven minutes.

"i thought we established that seven minutes ago?" Elijah questioned turning from his position in front of the group.

"don't be a party pooper" Rob spoke in elbowing his friend next to him.

They all joked around, listening to every individual song that came on the pre-show playlist.

"Oh my god it's the strokes" Ryan pointed out, the faint noise of the adults are talking playing in the background

"This person has such good taste" Robert gushed thinking of all the songs.

"Don't listen to hard you'll fall in love with her just based on her music taste"

Robert rolled his eyes at his friends and instead just tapped his foot listening to the music taking in his surrounding.

He could faintly see two girls giggling and pointing over at the group, to which Rob turned to avoid looking at them. Not wanting to cause an uproar in such a packed venue.

"Who is this girl again?" Josh asked also oblivious on who Leonie was opening for.

"Sydney Rae" Ryan told him, sometimes listening to the girls music "this tour is like just in Ireland before she goes on a hiatus before she writes a new album"

"oh" Josh replied

"yeah she has been teasing a new song on instagram" Ryan nodded proud of his knowledge "sounds a bit sad lyric wise though"

"cool beans" Robert replied causing Elijah to loom at him disgusted "how do you know so much?"

"i follow her" Ryan shyly smiled "i mean Lee said she was opening for her so i decided to follow a while back"

The lads broke out into small talk as they stood waiting, lots of good songs playing, including  Arctic Monkeys which shocked Rob greatly.

Espresso • Robert KeatingWhere stories live. Discover now