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The weekend passes quicker than I wish it had. Rachael wraps her arms around me as Brock retrieves their luggage from the back of my car. "Mm, I'm gonna miss you." she says, smiling. I rub her back. "I'm going to miss you too. Thank you both for coming, it's been amazing having you both here." I reply. Her smile widens. "Don't thank us, we should be thanking you." Brock voices. I look up at him, still smiling. "No you shouldn't, now you better get going. Your flight is in" I look down at my watch. "An hour and forty-five." I say. They both nod, and we finish our farewells before they head into the airport. 

As I'm driving, my mother calls, but I don't answer. I call her back as soon as I arrive at my apartment building. 

"Hello, moth-" 

"Why didn't you answer me, Y/n?" she questions, frustration in her tone. 

"I was driving. I couldn't legally answer." I reply. Catarina looks up at me, smiling warmly. I wink at her. 

"I don't care. I am your mother you should answer me whenever I call." she shouts. 

"Mother, what are you?" I question. She hesitates. 

"Your mother." she replies. I sigh, stopping in my place. Catarina frowns. 

"A lawyer, mum. You're a lawyer. I'm a lawyer. How many clients have you had to help when it comes to driving incidents? A lot. How would you feel if your daughter got caught up in one herself because of you?" 

"It wouldn't be my fault, it'd be yours for answering the phone." she replies. I roll my eyes as I start to walk again. 

"Do you have anything important to say, or are you going to tear into me for choosing to be safe on the road?" 

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. Remember who got you where you are today." 

A wave of anger crashes over me. "I got me where I am today. You didn't do my studying. You didn't do my exams. You certainly didn't do the bar for me, did you? No, you didn't. Don't sit there and act all high and mighty when you did nothing besides what a mother is meant to do. I am a lawyer because I went out of my way and became one. All you were was the blueprint." 

I hear her soft gasp over the phone. "You ungrateful little-" 

I end the call before she can finish, and she instantly calls me again. I put my phone on silent and walk towards Catarina. "I see Mrs Sinclair hasn't changed much." she tells. I nod. "And I don't think she will." Catarina smiles sympathetically. Just before I can continue speaking, my watch buzzes, telling me my phone is ringing. I roll my eyes and glance at it, expecting it to be my mother, although when I read Elaine's name, I'm pleasantly surprised. 

"Sorry, darling, one moment." I say, reaching into my handbag. Catarina nods as I answer the phone. 

"Good morning, Miss Markinson." I say, smiling. 

"Hello, Ms Sinclair. How are you?" her voice warms me. 

"I'm doing well. How has your weekend been?" I reply, already forgetting about the bullshit with my mother moments prior.

"Very relaxing. Yours?"


Elaine laughs softly. I feel my body warm. "I bet. Are you busy from noon onward?" she questions. 

"Not at all. Why's that?" 

"I was wondering if you'd like to grab lunch. Not for work, not to get to know each other, but to spend time together. As friends." she explains. My smile widens slightly. Catarina's head tilts to the left, her eyes narrowing. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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