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Stomach rumbling like a small earthquake, I rummaged through the empty cupboards of the farmhouse, searching for any sign of sustenance. "Let's see, I've got a jar of pickled...something, a can of mystery meat, and oh look, instant noodles—breakfast, lunch, and dinner of champions," I mumbled to myself with a grimace. "Ah, the gourmet diet of a fledgling farmer."

Realizing that my culinary creativity had reached its questionable limits, I decided it was high time to venture into Pelican Town in search of something more edible—or at least something that didn't require a degree in culinary bravery to consume.

With a sigh, I locked up the farmhouse and made my way toward the town, the familiar mix of excitement and anxiety tingling in my chest. As I approached the Centre of Pelican Town, the inviting glow of the Star drop Saloon beckoned me in, promising warmth, food, and perhaps a brief respite from the challenges of farm life.

Pushing open the door, I stepped into the cosy interior of the saloon, the hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses filling the air.

Before I could find a place to settle, a friendly voice called out, "Welcome! You must be the new farmer everyone's been talking about. I'm Gus, the owner of the Stardrop Saloon."

I smiled warmly at Gus, grateful for his welcoming demeanour. "It's nice to meet you, Gus. I'm Y/n, and it's my first time in town."

Just as I was about to thank Gus for his hospitality, a cheerful voice piped up from behind the bar. "Hey, Y/n! Come join us over here!" It was Sam, the local musician, beckoning me to the lounge area next door.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, a hint of confusion coloring my tone.

Sam chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Word travels fast in a small town like Pelican Town. Plus, a new face in town is always a topic of conversation," he replied, his smile warm and inviting.

I followed Sam into the lounge, ready to continue my journey of getting to know the eclectic and friendly inhabitants of Pelican Town.

"This is Abigail, our resident adventurer," Sam began, gesturing toward a young woman with purple hair and a mischievous glint in her eye. "And this is Sebastian, our brooding poet," he continued, pointing to a guy with dark hair and a contemplative expression.

"Over there is Alex, our local jock," Sam added, motioning to a brunette young man engrossed in a game on his phone. "And last but not least, Haley," he said, nodding toward a blonde woman who shot me a less-than-enthusiastic glance.

Haley's expression remained aloof, her arms crossed as she observed me with a skeptical eye.

Haley's expression remained aloof, her arms crossed as she observed me with a skeptical eye. "You could be cute if it wasn't for those horrendous clothes."

"Yeah? Well, I didn't ask for some plastic bitch's opinion," I snapped back quickly, my patience wearing thin with her snarky comments.

Haley's eyes narrowed, her face turning a shade redder as she prepared to unleash her next barb. "Well, maybe if you put half as much effort into your appearance as you do into being defensive, you wouldn't look like you crawled out of a dumpster."

The room grew tense, the other residents exchanging uneasy glances as the argument escalated. My cheeks flushed with anger, refusing to back down from Haley's harsh criticism.

"Oh, please. Maybe if you stopped obsessing over your plastic-perfect image for two seconds, you'd realize there's more to life than Instagram filters and superficial judgments," I retorted, my words biting with the same venom as hers.

Haley's eyes flashed with indignation, her posture stiffening as she prepared to deliver another cutting remark. However, before she could speak, Sam intervened, sensing the need to defuse the escalating tension.

"Alright, alright, let's all take a step back," Sam interjected, attempting to steer the conversation away from the heated exchange. "We're all neighbors here, and we should try to get along."

Despite Sam's attempts to calm the situation, the damage was done, the atmosphere thick with resentment and hurt feelings. Haley and I exchanged one final glare, a silent promise that our relationship was far from settled.

"Hey, Haley, let's head out," Alex said, trying to diffuse the tension. "It's getting late."

oh thank god. a weight lifted off my shoulders

Haley nodded, casting one final icy glare my way. "Bye, everyone," she said, her voice dripping with disdain, deliberately omitting any farewell to me.

As Haley and Alex left the saloon, the room fell into an awkward silence. Abigail, Sebastian, and Sam exchanged concerned looks before Sam broke the silence.

. "Haley's never been one to hold back, but that was something else."

Abigail sighed, pushing a stray strand of purple hair behind her ear. "She can be harsh, but she's not all bad. She's just...protective of her image, I guess."

Sebastian nodded in agreement, his usually stoic expression softened by concern. "She's been through a lot, but that doesn't excuse her behavior. Still, it might be worth trying to mend fences."

I looked at my newfound friends, their words resonating with a sense of understanding and compassion. Despite the rocky start with Haley, I realized they were right; holding onto anger wouldn't solve anything.

"You know what? You're right," I conceded, taking a deep breath. "I should apologize and try to make things right."

Sam smiled, patting me on the back. "That's the spirit! And hey, if you're looking for a peace offering, maybe consider getting her a gift. Something she'll appreciate."

Abigail nodded, her eyes filled with admiration. "You know, no one's ever stood up to Haley like that before. It takes guts to challenge her, and I respect that."

Sebastian chimed in, "Yeah, you definitely earned some points with us. Most people just let her walk all over them."

Feeling encouraged by their praise, I felt a renewed sense of determination. It wouldn't be easy, but if it meant finding a way to coexist with Haley and perhaps even build a friendship, it was worth the effort.

Leaving the saloon with a sense of purpose, I pondered what gift would be suitable for Haley. As I walked through the quiet streets of Pelican Town, the evening air filled with the sounds of crickets and distant conversations, I felt a mixture of anticipation and nervousness.

Arriving at the local general store, I browsed the shelves, searching for the perfect gift that would convey my sincerity. After some deliberation

After some deliberation, I settled on some vibrant dandelions , hoping its cheerful appearance would serve as a symbol of peace and goodwill.

With the dandelions in hand and a plan forming in my mind, I headed back to the farmhouse.

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