Whatever He Wants Pt 1: Meetings (neutral)

126 7 36

Started April 16, 7:50 pm

Been obsessed with this song
Inspired me so much I could write ✨✨

Also not much context from the song until another part.

Artemis had grown up watching shitty cartoons
and crappy stuff that was borderline inappropriate. It was what the orphanage could afford to play in order to keep the kids entertained.

Artemis was drawn in by the glamorous shows about rich people doing rich people shit.

He made a half serious vow to himself to be rich one day.
As a broke kid that felt unwanted by the world, this dream seemed farther out than the apocalypse.

Slowing, Artemis saw changes. The most dramatic being his scholarship to Monarch Academy.
After all, just having a school as prestigious on your record could open a door to many possibilities, not just being a hero.

After the four long years of hero training at the school, it was time to apply for colleges. All of Artemis' choices were fashion schools.

He was now sure that being a hero wasn't for him. He wondered if it was all the propaganda they had at the school or he simply decided to focus on his calling.

Artemis got into his first choice.
It was hard at first, leaving the country. Leaving everything behind. Leaving him behind.


He spent years at the university, eventually graduating with honors. Brands were picking him left and right ever since he stepped foot onto the campus. His dream was to create his own fashion brand.

Finding his mother in France made this a little more manageable, despite his distaste for the woman, he wouldn't deny her money and was willing to make an effort with her.

Artemis walked into his first studio. He could feel his dreams were getting closer and closer to becoming a reality.

Before he could open to the public, of course he had some decorating to do.
So that's what he did.

He made the small studio his own. The little corner of the busy street of Paris, France became brighter and brighter each week. Eventually Artemis had made enough money on his own to pay workers and open a second shop.

Soon enough, Artemis' boutique had multiple locations all over Paris.

Artemis figured it was about time to open his 25th location. He already had the perfect idea. A whole new country, the grand opening would be on his 25th birthday. The marketing for this alone was already so profitable. Artemis got excited just thinking of all the cheesy lines he could use.

"25 and Ready to Thrive"
"A Memorable 25"
"New Beginnings On My 25th"
"Chapter the 25th"
"25th Wish Come True"

In short, Artemis had options.

He was amused by the corny titles but was more excited about finally booking the plane ride.

Spending 6 years in Paris was fun and all but he missed where he grew up. His friends. His family.


He practically jumped for joy when he was finally able to book the flight.

Artemis treated himself to first class, unworried about the money. Having 24 locations was quite the treat, 2 million annual revenue was also quite the treat.
It would be a stretch to say this was Artemis alone but it was enough of him to gain bragging rights.

Shino Oneshots, MHO/MHEWhere stories live. Discover now