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The next part could focus on Carly and Freddie waking up the next morning, with a renewed sense of understanding and commitment to each other. They could have a heartfelt conversation about their feelings and apologize for the argument the night before. Perhaps they make plans to spend the day together, reconnecting and strengthening their bond. Additionally, they might discuss how they can better support each other during this busy and stressful time in their lives, reaffirming their love and partnership.

[Freddie wakes up in the morning, feeling a sense of warmth and love as he looks at Carly sleeping peacefully beside him.]

Freddie: [Whispers] Good morning, future wife.

Carly: [Stirring awake, a smile spreading across her face] Good morning, Freddie.

Freddie: Did you sleep okay?

Carly: Yeah, much better now. How about you?

Freddie: I slept better than I expected, considering everything.

Carly: [Reaching out to hold his hand] I'm sorry about last night, Freddie. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me.

Freddie: Hey, we both had a rough night. Let's just put it behind us and move forward.

Carly: Agreed. We can't let a little argument get in the way of our love and our future together.

Freddie: Definitely not. We've been through too much to let anything come between us.

Carly: [Gently squeezing his hand] I love you, Freddie Benson.

Freddie: And I love you, Carly Shay. More than anything.

[They share a tender moment, feeling grateful for each other's presence and the love they share.]

Carly: Freddie, I've been thinking. I think we should do the baby shower next week.

Freddie: Next week? That's sooner than we planned. Are you sure?

Carly: Yeah, I just have this feeling that it's the right time. Plus, with everything going on, it might be nice to have something to look forward to.

Freddie: You're right. It could be a nice break from all the wedding and baby preparations.

Carly: Exactly. And it'll give us a chance to celebrate with our friends and family before everything gets too hectic.

Freddie: Okay, let's do it. Do you have any ideas for the theme or who to invite?

Carly: I was thinking we could keep it simple, maybe a "Welcome Baby" theme. And as for the guest list, we'll invite close friends and family, of course.

Freddie: Sounds perfect. I'll start making some calls and get everything organized.

Carly: Thanks, Freddie. I'm really looking forward to it. It's going to be a special day.

Freddie: It definitely will be. And you know what? I think it's the perfect way to start our journey as parents.

Carly: [Smiling] I couldn't agree more, Freddie. Let's make it a day to remember.

Carly: Yay! I need to go tell Spencer the news. He mentioned he made a sculpture for the baby reveal.

Freddie: That's awesome! He'll be thrilled to hear about the baby shower plans.

Carly: Definitely! Plus, his sculpture will be the perfect addition to the celebration.

Freddie: It's great to have someone as creative as Spencer in our corner.

Carly: Absolutely. I'll go give him the good news now.

Freddie: I'll start brainstorming some ideas for the baby shower with Sam and Gibby.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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