1.1 The Inheritance

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Veronica Maxwell was anxious as she drove up the long driveway to her parents' bed and breakfast. It was hidden away deep in the woods, but it was still a popular getaway destination, especially during tourist season. When she arrived, she took a nervous breath, looking up at the two-story manor. She had practically grown up here as she helped her parents with attending to their guests. It felt like being home again after such a long time.

Really, if it had been up to her, she would have preferred to stick around and keep helping her parents run their business. It was only because of their insistence that she go to college and then experience the world that she had ever left. Even then, she had double majored in culinary arts and hospitality management, which had allowed her to learn valuable knowledge that could help her parents' business. Then she took a few jobs that would help give her relevant experience with everything from being a housekeeper in a hotel to a barkeep in a local dive bar. Now, she was confident that she was far more qualified than her siblings were to take over their parents' bed and breakfast.

That was actually what she was here today for. Her parents were ready to retire and they planned to announce who they'd be signing the business over to. She was hopeful it would be given to her, but she couldn't help but feel anxious since it wasn't guaranteed. Finally, working up the nerve, Veronica stepped forward to turn the front door handle and stepped through the threshold. The only problem was that she somehow ended up in a pitch-dark room instead of the reception area.

"Hello? Anyone there? Did the power go out? Someone check the breaker box!"

She shouted out into the darkness. Then she frowned, something wasn't right. The way her voice carried and the way the ground felt beneath her was unfamiliar. Yet, she could clearly remember arriving at her parents' bed and breakfast, so there was no way she could be somewhere else. Deciding to try and become more acquainted with her surroundings, she stumbled blindly forward with her arms in front of her.

[Bonding "Veronica Maxwell" to dungeon core #224]

The words that seemed to almost glow in front of her didn't register at first. Then, it was like her mind was swimming as everything seemed to shift into focus. She was no longer in a dark room or, at least, it no longer appeared that way. Instead, the was standing on a set of stone steps with a large green marble-like orb in front of her that seemed to have a slight glow to it. This most certainly was not where she was supposed to be!

"What the! For goodness sake!"

With a groan, Veronica sat down on the stone steps and screamed into her hands. She had no clue where she was, but it was more than a little obvious that she was not going to make it in time for her parents' retirement party. That also meant the bed and breakfast would likely end up going to her brother since her parents would likely assume that she wasn't interested since she wouldn't end up showing up.

[Congratulations on officially becoming a dungeon master, Master Veronica!]

Another system prompt appeared before her and so she decided she should, probably, concentrate on the problem at hand. She was hardly the sort to just sit around feeling sorry for herself, after all. Taking into account the previous prompt, it sounded like she had either fallen unconscious and was now having a really strange dream or the manga she liked to read hadn't been quite as fictional as she once thought. However, whether this was a dream or not, it was far safer to assume this was her new reality and react accordingly. The worst case of this being a dream was she'd feel a little silly when she woke up, but the worst case scenario if it was real was a bit more vague and certainly a more terrifying thing to worry about.


"Right, so now I'm, presumably, in another world and somehow 'bonded' with a dungeon that seems to have a broken system. This is going to be real fun..."

[Due to the dungeon master's unique experience with running an inn, the dungeon will now make the appropriate adjustments.]

The dungeon around her began to shake and tremble around her feeling very much like an earthquake. Having nowhere to go for safety, Veronica merely ducked down and covered her head with her arms until things settled down again.

[Please select a starting theme for the dungeon half:

-Rocky Gorge (Goblins)

-Sewers (Giant Rats)

-Tropical Rainforest (Gargoyles)]

Veronica sat a moment as she thought over the options, still very much so questioning if this was real or not. Deciding that she didn't want to live in a desert with goblins, nor a dirty sewer with giant rats, she decided to choose the last option.

"I'll go with the tropical rainforest, please."

[Finalizing dungeon binding...]

The next system prompt didn't seem related to her choice, but, then again, perhaps, she had to make a selection before the dungeon finished with its initial processes. Suddenly, Veronica doubled over in pain as she felt like her entire body was on fire and her mind felt like it was breaking. It was difficult to remain awake to the point that no amount of willpower would allow her to power through it. Soon enough, she fell unconscious.

When she next awoke, she was surprised to find that she was still in the dungeon. Sighing agitatedly, she brushed her had roughly through her hair, and mumbled to herself

"I guess this is real then..."

Deciding it would be best to scout her surroundings, she got up and left through the door to the dungeon core room. She'd likely have to learn how the system worked as well so she could take full advantage of everything it had to offer. However, figuring out where she was and what resources she had at hand was more important right now.


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A special thanks to the following Patreon subscribers:

VIP Guests: Carl A., Noel S., Scryde, Steven B., Van, Vasyl N.,

Dungeon Enthusiasts: AchroniaXenia, Alec, Alexandra H., Anonymous, Bache F., Killer K., ShadeByTheSea, Tristan R., Willow,

Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/AutumnPlunkett


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