Us Being Clingy

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It was a week before Christmas break and Y/N was feeling worried about not seeing Mattheo over the holidays, she would be in Paris for Christmas and he would be at his manor. She knew she wouldn't see him until school started again. Y/N always hated not being able to see Mattheo but what she hated more was being stuck with her family and in addition to the she had to deal with the presences of her older brother's unbearable girlfriend. She's not ever allowed to bring Mattheo anywhere but when it's her brother's girlfriend (Who he's been dating for all of 2 months) she can come anywhere because he swears 'this time it's serious!' yeah like she hasn't heard that before! 

Mattheo and Y/N were lying in her dorm cuddling in bed.

"Princess I have to go" Mattheo says to her.

"Noooooooooo" Y/N whines.

"Baby it's Quidditch" He tells her trying to free himself from her grasp.

"I don't care, stay!" She begs and he looks at her, slightly appalled by what she just said.

"I can't miss practice baby" He tries to free himself from her grasp but is unsuccessful.

"It's always Quidditch this and Quidditch that! Don't you care about me?!" She snaps, this is when he knows something's wrong because Y/N loves seeing him play! He gently cups her face and caresses her cheeks.

"Princess what's going on with you?" He asks looking deep into her eyes.

"I know it sounds silly but, I'm gonna miss you over break and I don't want to be stuck with my family and that golddigger my brother calls a girlfriend!" Y/N's eyes start to go glossy, tearing up at the thought of not being around him.

"Baby...." Mattheo gives her a sympathetic look and then softly kisses the top of her forehead.

"You don't have to worry, I will write to you and call you everyday, and if you really can't stand it I'll fly over to paris, fuck your parents, and I'll spend Christmas with you!" He tells her and all of a sudden a smile if plastered onto her face.

"Really?!" She asks with glee he nods and she tackles him into a hug.

 "You know what, I think I can skip practice today!" He smiles and they spend the rest of the time cuddling in bed.


It was the last week of school before everything changed. When the holidays ended Y/N would come back forever changed and forever a servant of the dark lord, marked with no way to escape. But at least she would have Tom. That being said Y/N has being feeling neglected by Tom and felt that this was her last chance to be normal before everything changed (But bffr you're dating Tom fucking Riddle it was never normal - I'm sorry I had to) .

Y/N had been walking Tom to every class all day and doing everything with him and he started to get frustrated because well it's Tom. They got to Tom's dorm room door.

"Doll I have to study" He tells her hoping for a moment of quiet.

"Cool, so do I!" She exclaims walking into his room. Tom sighs.

"Y/N what is going on with you?! This is getting pathetic!" He snaps and she stops in her tracks and looks down. 

"I just don't wanna lose you...." She mutters. Tom walks up to her and slither his arms around her waist from behind. He kisses her temple softly.

"Doll, the only way that you could lose me, is through death, and even then I'll still always be with you!" He reassures her. She nods as he makes her way down to kissing her neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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