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Giuseppe was true to his word, he allowed Helen to continue living there like he said.

What he didn't know however was that Katherine began feeding Helen her blood the minute she got Helen to calm down, and it did wonders.

It made her healing process quicker and she was glad, though she had stretch marks it didn't bother her as much as having extra skin would. She took pride in her appearance.

Unfortunately before the week was up the town had found out about vampires lurking in their midst. Giuseppe also found out Katherine was one of them.

When all three siblings found out they immediately went looking for the girl.

All three with vampire blood in their system, and all three shot dead by their own father.

Waking up Helen saw her brothers still out cold, she could feel her gums aching and a hunger in her veins. Pushing it to the back of her mind she grabs her brothers and starts to pull them out of sight. Her thoughts murderous as she remembered her father shooting them.

It didn't take long for her brothers to wake, it also didn't take long for Stefan to go off on his own a mission on his mind after Helen told them who had killed them. Helen stayed with Damon, trying to encourage him to transition.

She didn't want to force him, but she also didn't know if she and Stefan would be able to live without their big brother.

"Damon please..." She pleades with tears in her eyes, Damon's blank expression scaring her.

"How can I go on without her?" He asks Helen looking up at her.

"How can Stefan and I go on without you!" She yells back tears rolling down her face.

Damon scoffs.

"You'll have each other, you'll be fine."

She just shakes her head.

"You're not listening! We need you Damon please..." Before they can argue further Stefan shows up with a woman, both of them could clearly smell her blood.

Damom tries to refuse but when Stefan shoves her to him the urge to feed is overwhelming and he can't help it, Helen stares up at Stefan in shock. She had wanted Damon to turn but this wasn't the way.

"Stefan..." She says and then sighs shaking her head biting into the woman completing her transition. Standing up she walks over to her little brother frowning. "I understand why you did it, a part of me is even happy that you did it, but that was not the way to do it. You took his choice Stefan." She looks a bit disappointed, but the sorrow in his eyes makes her sigh and pull him into a hug.

Once Damon is done feeding he feels distraught, his brother had done this. Deep down he knew why but he was furious, he vows to forever make his life hell.

But he stayed. For some reason he stayed.

Stefan's bloodlust got worse, he got worse. Helen could see it.

He was drenched in the smell of death and blood every day she'd come back. She was finding ways to make them money to spend their eternity peacefully. Meanwhile her baby brother was smothered in women and doing as he pleases.

He was messy. Incredibly messy. It disgusted Helen to no end to witness first hand how lost in his bloodlust he can be.

Damon was having a worse time with it, he felt lost. He couldn't help his brother and his sister didn't need his help at all. But he also didn't feel heavily inclined to help Stefan, still bitter and resentful.

So he ended up leaving, it was just Stefan and Helen for a while.

She didn't really know what to do with him, it was impossible to teach him control as he would lose control the minute he got a hint of blood. It was honestly exhausting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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