radical measures

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . .

In fact, however, not so long ago. After Clone Wars, Emperor and all of those bad things, she was thinking that she will finally get some peace.

Although, she wasn't surprised, when she felt how the Force was weakened again. For a long time she couldn't find the reason for this weakness, but when she did it, she was speachless.

When Ben Solo, son of Leia and Han became Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren, she felt that something wasn't right.

At first, she believed in Luke Skywalker. He was strong with Force, his intelligence sometimes frightened her. That was why she believed in him. However, his behavior disappointed her. The blindness of the power was too difficult for him to think clearly. She even had a thought as to why he wasn't like his mother. When he tried to kill an innocente child, she lost her hope.

She tried to sign him, that what he was doing was wrong, everyday thinking that maybe she should talk to him, but when she finally did it, it was too late.

She was walking through the fire, but flames couldn't reach her. Tears started slowly falling out of her eyes, as she was looking at burning books, some of them she even wrote herself. When she spotted Luke, he was sitting on a big stone, hiding his face in his hands. Genevieve sat next to him and sighed. „ Luke, what have you done? "

He didn't answered her. At first, he thought that her voice is just his imagination. But when she touched his arm, he jumped with surprised face. „ Dear Force. " he opened his eyes wide, immediately recognizing the person sitting next to him. He stood up and bowed his head. She waved her hand and looked at his face. „He was just a kid, Luke. He is your nephew... how could you do this to him? "

Again, he stood here and just stared at her like she was a ghost ( which she practically was ).  She shook her head and stand next to him. „ What happened, Luke? " she asked him, looking all around this place. She couldn't believe that Jedi Temple was in terrible condition. When she noticed that he doesn't want to talk to her, she just disappeared.

Right now, when she was looking at Kylo Ren, killing innocent people, she thought that this is the hardest case she had ever dealed with. She was trying to talk to him, but if he didn't believe in her, she couldn't have this opportunity.

Ben Solo was a hard case. He didn't get any love from his parents. Leia was busy with her politics and he's dad was just... not there. A smuggler will always be a smuggler. Genevieve was feeling bad for him, she even understands him. They were almost the same, except that she didn't even know her parents.

She was trying to help him. Sitting for hours, days and weeks made her realized, that she must use radical measures. She wasn't sure if she could do it, whether the Force will allow her to do it. It had been so long since she had been on any planet in body, that she didn't know if she could handle it.

She wasn't sure of her decision, so she decided to talk to someone who would help her make the right choice. Genevieve went to the person who had helped her save the galaxy once before. That girl was also Ben's grandmother.

She spotted her sitting on a bench, looking straight forward. Genevieve approached her and sat next to her. „ Are you okay, Andrea? "  she asked her and looked at her light face.

„ I feel like I'm living again. " she smiled. „ Yes, everything is okay. "

Genevieve smiled and nodded her head. „ World needs me again. " she fixed her hair and sighed.

„ How many times has the Galaxy needed you? It doesn't look like you'll ever find peace. " she laughed and nodded her head. „ You're right... but that's my work, i guess. "

„ Can I ask you something? " Andrea spoke and closed her eyes slightly.

„ Of course, always. "

„How is Luke... and Leia? "

Genevieve sighed and looked the other way. „ They are... not doing good. Especially Luke. Life isn't easy on them. "

„ As if there ever was. " she sighed and her voice got lower. „ What about him? "

„ Him? " Even tho Genevieve knew, what Andrea was asking, she tried to postpone it as much as possible.

„ What about Ben? "

Another sight left her lips. „ He... is just like Anakin. The only thing is that he has no one who can help him. Luke had let him down, Leia and Han weren't giving him enough time. " Genevieve couldn't look at Andrea's face, so she closed her eyes. „ Anakin had you. You were his hope, his comfort place. You saved him. In every way that a person can be saved. "

„ What are you going to do? Any plan? " Andrea asked, not sure what she should say.

„ I'm thinking about meeting him. Not in my spirit self, like  here with you now. I would go to him as a material person and try to save him. But, I need you to reassure me that what I'm doing is right. "

"No matter how hard you try to save the balance of the galaxy, it will always find itself on the verge of exhaustion. But saving the main character in all this chaos can save a lot of suffering." Andrea tilted her head to the side, considering her next words. "The only question is, are you ready to sacrifice so much for the good of one boy destroyed by his surroundings?"

There was a deafening silence between them. Genevieve began to think about her words. Was she able to do it? Of course she was. She's done it so many times already. This time it was different. She was different. She had seen so much evil before, and even though she was made for this, she wasn't sure she could look at it so closely. When she tried to say anything, Andrea spoke again.

„ This is the right thing to do, but it is time-consuming and will cost you a lot. "

Genevieve nodded her head and sighed. „ I will do it. I will save him from his evil side. "

Genevieve stood up and took a deep breath. „ Thank you, for everything. You helped me, again. " when she was trying to left her, she turned to her bright face. „ I have one last thing for you. Keep it with you. When i will need you, this will be our way to communicate. " she gave her black necklace with golden crystals.

Andrea smiled and put the necklace on her neck. „ Always. "

Genevieve disappeared and came back to her place. She looked at herself in a mirror and took on her human form. It was a weird feeling.

Her long, blonde hair fell over her shoulders and her brown eyes shone with tiny sparkles. She couldn't believe she could still look so young. After all of these years, her face was still wrinkle-free and her teeth was in perfect white colour.

She made sure that her lightsaber was in her brown robe and that her bracelet was tightly buttoned on her wrist.

She was ready.

Genevieve focused on the desire that pulled her to where Ben was currently.

But the one thing she didn't anticipate was that her desire would carry her right in front of him.

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we are back in my star wars era once again! big thanks to my lovely @-anecdoche- , who agreed to mix our fanfics and made me the happiest person.
i hope that you will love genevieve as much as i do.


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