Chapter six

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TW - sexual assault, pls dm me for a summary if needed :)

Dinner hadn't seemed to last for long after that and soon Marigold was leaving the great hall with everyone else. She was planning to go straight to her dorm, like she had gotten used to, but, when she moved to turn in the opposite direction of Slytherin and Regulus looked up at her and asked where she was going, the girl was reminded just how young he was, how alone. She succumbed into her old habits and was sat by the fireplace in the Slytherin common room, Allegra plaiting her hair.

After one short, spiky interaction, the short curly-haired girl appeared to have forgotten about any dispute the two had had. Despite herself, Marigold had not found the energy to be confrontational with the girl and shrugged it off, allowing the girl to gossip at her.

Allegra was eager for the blonde to forget that they had argued. The guilt from telling on her friend had started trickling into her consciousness and Marigold's forgiveness (or as close as the girl could get) helped ease it.

It was so easy to fall back into routine; to listen to the others talk about blood purity, and scold them silently in her mind, to sit in the icy, numb bore of the Slytherin common room. To accept what her parents wanted her to become, just for a little while at least, until she mustered up the courage to fight against them.

Marigold knew that Coreopsis was in the room, somewhere near her. She had seen her brother when walking in and would occasionally hear his voice float towards her ears. She found it so odd, the way they ignored each other in school, because, despite him having seen her at her most some of her most vulnerable moments, they had never bonded over anything. Not even a mutual distaste for each other. They were as close as she was with some of her distant cousins, the ones that lived in foreign countries and that she only saw once every five years.

It seemed unfair, that her parents seemed to favour him. That Coreopsis seemed to get everything right, and so easily, so emotionlessly. Yet, she couldn't really hate him, because she just didn't couldn't find enough energy to care.


Marigold opened her eyes and closed them again. There was a single, sharp beam of light that split through her bed and fell onto her face. Usually, she's up before the sun rises. She opened her eyes properly, rubbing them as she sits up.

Only one of the girls in her dorm was still there, Marigold watched her flick through the small drawer of the desk in their dorm, before the girl gave her a look. It seemed as though she couldn't decide whether to be disgusted or pity the blonde. She left almost instantly. Marigold rubbed her eyes again, the sleep still making her vision hazy.

Suddenly, her dream from the previous night hit her with terrifying clarity.

She remembered walking with her father - she was getting married, and he was giving her away. Although she appeared to be wearing the clothes she had fallen asleep in and all she could see were her two feet carrying her forwards unwillingly, she knew that this was her wedding. There was a figure that was slowly coming to view. Awake, Marigold wondered whether her mind had conjured up someone she knew, perhaps it was Rosier or Nott or some other pureblood she knew that she was being given away too. It didn't matter to her in the dream, all she knew is that she was scared and trapped and couldn't get out. She couldn't stop walking forwards, the ghostly grip of her father barely grazing her arm, leading her towards the faceless man.

It was disgusting idea, the thought that her father could give her away. That she would move from one place she did not ask nor want to be, to another.

Something landed on top of her - in a graceful leap, her cat had jumped onto her bed. Her fingers tangled in Honey's fur.

She must've been too hot last night, that often gave her odd dreams.

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