Proven Points&Nothing More

328 16 3

August 25, 2015 10:05 Pm


"Are you ready?" i asked her

"As Always" she replied

We dressed in dark flannels, black skinny jeans, and black converse/vans

we put on our gloves and put our hair up in high pony tails

we walked to the alley way which took about 10 minutes

thats where we saw the boys

"You guys ready? Follow us" Mikaylah said

We led them deeper into the alleyway, and i can hear them whispering

There we met up with Brad and Kyle, we locked arms and they gave us a nod

i looked back to check if the boys were still following unless they pussyed out

but they were still following

Mikaylah and i went up to the bouncer at the door, as people were in line, they recognized us and 

started to shout out stage names. The boys looked confused, i whispered to the bouncer to let

Nates gang in and give them the best seats in the house

While us four go through our usual way to back stage

if you haven't gotten the clue yet, were doing a tag team fight, like in WWE but with ours

its more underground/Black market work

Brad and Kyle went into our changing room with us because they are the ones that escorts us to 

the fight, as Mikaylah and i undressed from our street clothes we put on some spandex 

"Lets Do this" We both said. Brad grabbed my hand and Kyle grabbed Mikaylahs

They began to walk us to the ring

once we get there the light shined on us and people started to cheer

My Stage name is Hell and hers is Heaven 

there are two reasons to our names

1. for me I'm not as religious as her & 2. i go all out and non stop

1. for her She is the more religious type & 2. she doesn't go as hard as i do

Brad and Kyle hold our intertwined hands up and we always stick to tradition in our entrance

and exit, They both kiss our knuckles for good luck 

and we enter the ring

we were close to being reigning champs but we need a few more fights to get there

we don't always win, to us always winning isn't that fun, yes we win a majority of the time but we 

have our off seasons

We see our opponents on the other side, cheers aren't as loud

I stand back and watch as Heaven aka Mikaylah goes in the ring first

I look around and spot the boys, i notified mikaylah and we looked at them and shot them a wink

i get Mikaylah ready, it looks like they put their toughest girl up first, and let me just say. Big Mistake

Adrenaline starts kicking in for the both of us, and we were all hyped

then the bell rings signaling for them to start

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