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  Life is all about risk and order to achieve something you need to take risk

You know how you're supposed to come up with a list of what you want to achieve ,well welcome to my world. Hi my name is Victoria but I chose to be called Vicky well I will be turning sixteen next month. When I was fourteen I and my friends  made a list of what we wanted to accomplish before sixteen and I haven't  accomplished much so far cause most of our goals are quite difficult for a girl like me. okay let me give a sneak pic of my bucket list.

*Save enough money before college.
*Have a date to the senior year prom night.
*Have a perfect record in school without detention for a whole session.
*Have a self spa day for me and four best friends .

I will begin by telling you most of my ordeal in achieving most of the bucket list, I will make use of flash back in order to explain in detail to you. Don't judge any of my action girls.

Don't think my list will be long when you turn sixteen is like you are a few steps to " eighteen" and once you are eighteen you are already an adult. Being an 'adult' means responsibility and I am not ready for such, the thought of all the responsibility associated with adulthood gives me the chills. Firstly, as an adult you will have to work for your money That is why I had to add "Making money" to my bucket list, Let me not bore you with my adult responsibility and stuff.

    My personalities are based on my family and friends. I won't say I am an introvert or an extrovert. I am in-between;according to my parents, I am an introvert.My parents are amazing and cool but sometimes they pretend to act "too cool "(with air quotes), but they are still amazing and now let me move on to my annoying yet loving younger brother Cory,been an elder sister is difficult cause you are supposed to act mature and all.
Drum roll please......... Ladies and gentlemen the moment we all been waiting for now introducing my cool friends, yep am dramatic when it comes to my friends.

    First on the chart is Cassie Watson, The baddest girl in our school. Basically she is not bad  like bad but due to her being she is a prankster I consider  her rad.She has been in detention several times and she won't quit pranking people, let me explain to you one of her pranks.
So one day principal, Josh said that no one should drink water from the fountain except from teachers due the vicious students that attend my school
Cause to love spoiling the tap head,so Cassie added lime solution in the water fountain tank so the water was that sour for like the whole week;so both teacher and student had bring water from home, God you should have seen the principal face when he found out it was Cassie that pranked the teachers .She was in detention for a week yikes, right.

Tristan Macneil is the "miss perfect" she is totally obsessed with having the perfect body shape ,she avoided some food like they were a deadly plague , her words were 'be careful  with what you put into your body"and she is a social media freak , she is a teen influencer and she also does modelling .If she wasn't my friend I would have described as a character in mean girl, maybe as Regina, cause she and Regina gave up the same vibes except she isn't mean like Regina.

Her archenemy is 'Chloe Farrel' well I will introduce Chloe to you guys later. it is nice having a popular person in our friendship group.

Jessica William well is the fun loving and adventurous girl, her hair texture is out of this world, her envy her curls on her hair .
Jessica has a lot of personalities and she quite complex to understand with her mood swings, she act all strong and all but we know she is the softie in our friendship group, let not forget her obsession with any critic drink to be precise orange juice . My mom has warned her to stay away from our orange juice in our house cause she keeps on finishing them everything and my mom has to restock every goddamn time. If I was to choose the talented one among us I would probably choose Jessica cause she isa piano wizz and she is also a math wizz two in one.

I know you are probably thinking how we are friends with all our different characters and personality but we have been friends since third grade Being in the mist of different people helps me to know how to relate with other people.

Welcome to my world of adventure and creative.

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