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      Money is one the essential things in the world, we can all agree but saving is so frustrating,how can you save in a world where you want to get anything that  catches your eyes.

since the establishment of my bucket list I have been  trying so hard to save money for college, you are probably wondering why I have to save when I have college funds and my parents; I am not your regular teenager who depends on their parents for everything I'm an independent young Lady.

last summer was disastrous and stressful, who knew saving was so hard.
last summer after school took summer break, i planned I would just sit at home and watch movies I missed during school hours, immediately i sat down mom started telling me to get a summer job that Cassie's mom told her that Tristan is working at the M and M beauty shop while, Cassie is working in a shop were circus props are sold classic Cassie. So that got me thinking i need a job so I can get those cool headphones I have always wanted, if I asked daddy for money he would tell me to ask mom and we all know what mom will say" Vicky go get a job"
So I decided to get a job and I got epmployed at an ice cream truck and the pay is so small ;the owner of the truck paid me five hundred bucks and ten cent . Who knew Scooping ice cream is so hard .At noon the truck always has a long line cause we are close to the city Mall.

My first day at work wasn't too hard the manager was nice he taught me how to make ice cream In the cream maker it wasn't hard as I thought and I was  introduced to my co-worker "Maxwell" he is a senior in my school , he is cute and all but don't think I am crushing on him okay he has a girlfriend .

   So my first customer was a cute random boy and I think he was flirting with me okay alright I was flirting with him, t
hi, good afternoon what can I get you (in a flirting tone), I want a banana slip ice cream with sprinkles and cherry toppings, Well I am Vicky and I just started working here and I think I will ..........
  just give me my ice cream
guy okay here is your ice cream cone again. He doesn't need to be rude.

Am guessing he won't come again because of me, i don't know what came over me I think it is my hormones they normally go wild whenever I see a cute guy, we all have these stages in our life when all the boys you see are cute and irresistible.

Guess who stop by at my work place?
I saw Chloe Farrel, you remember I said I will introduce her to you guy well ,people meet Chloe Farrel.
She is the meanest girl at our school and she is pretty famous on social media, she is also Tristan archenemy which automatically makes her I and my friends enemy.She is what you call a spoilt Brat and she also thinks she is going to be next homecoming queen and that is the reason she and Tristian are always fighting. Every villain has their origin story why they became villain.

    Chole has been our enemy or should I say archenemies since third grade and we are in sophomore year going to senior next year. Chole used to be our friend in second grade, when we were in second grade we usually go to her house for sleep over and we were unbreakable bond;so I thought until little miss chole when to Florida for summer break and picked the habit of been rude and also a bully.then we broke up with her and since then she has made it her life mission to make our life miserable.

when she saw me, she invited me to her pool party which she is having at the end of the summer and she also invited us to her sleepover which was tomorrow .Am sure her invite is to put one of her dubious plans to practice.

After work I called all my friends and we had a nice plan to make her life miserable, don't be judgemental she has made our life a living nightmare
Tristian was like "let's kill her pet" harsh cause I love pet and they are cute. We eventually came to a conclusion of flooding her basement, the plan is to excuse ourselves to use her bathroom then break the pipe that supply water cause all the water pipes are connected from the basement
The sleepover was going smoothly until she made one funny comment about my nail colour
"What plain colour is this? So last sessions" which
I just got it done, how dare her make me feel insecure of my favorite color.

After the dumb girly things, we decided to go to bed. Operation flood her basement is a go ,after waiting for like ten minutes which seems like ten hours ;I And my friend went to her basement and intentionally accidentally broke a pipe "oppss" that serves her right on who to mess with.
After the breaking of the pipe we all pretended not knowing anything when her dad came to check up on us in the morning the whole downstairs was flooded . He ordered us to go home and he was pretty pissed, I actually felt a hint of guilt for chole but then I was like she deserves it .

   A few days later we saw chole at the mall and she was like "daddy seized my phone for just a week".if it was my family you will not be grounded but you will also do all house Chores.All these rich kids with their cool parents.At the end of the summer I and my friends decided to have a girl days-out but immediately we got to the mall we all separated and agreed to meet at the ice truck where I worked to have a treat. Ten minutes later Tristan called us to the Milian beauty shop that she just found according to her the heavenly boot,when we came we saw the price we backed out after much deliberations we decided to contribute to buy it, but with a condition that we will share it whenever we need it. Right when we were planning Chole bought it right under our nose just to make us pissed Amanda she didn't wear it after buying it. Last summer was a bust.

So this summer I want to work in a fancy restaurant where I can meet cute and rich guys who will take me on dates and I also heard their pay is very high .

That is all for now am ticking this out of my bucket list now.

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