Chapter 1

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A sweet but dangerous woman
"Finally it ended..." a girl say outside of her school walking through her home
"Kate!" another girl shout to her
"Huh-?" Kate turn to the person who shouted "Abby?"
"Finally we have summer break! Are you happy of that? We can hang out all the days!" Abigail say exited and with a big smile on her lips
"Mh... yeah... we can I guess" Kathleen say looking at her with an ashamed smile
"Come on, Kate!" Abigail say putting a hand on her shoulder "we'll have so much fun this summer!"
Kathleen start giggling "you convinced me"
"Yeah!" Abigail shout again and look at her with shining eyes "I have a crazy idea my best friend ever!" She say putting her hands on her shoulders
"What is it?" Kathleen smile at her and her cheeks turn pink
"We can go to an abandoned place! It will be such a beautiful experience! What you think!?" Abby say looking at her best friend with a childish smile
"Yeah... we have nothing to do... so, yeah! We really should!" Kathleen keep smiling at her
"I knew you would accept! See you in 3 hours then!" Abigail say walking away while waving at Kathleen
"See you soon" Kathleen wave back
Kathleen looks around to everyone who were exiting from the school "huh..." she put her headphones on and put on some music and start walking toward her home

As soon as Kathleen came at her home a girl call her "Kate! How is my daughter feeling?"
Kathleen smile at her "hey, mom, I'm doing fine" she put her headphones off "what about you mama?" She say sitting on a chair right next the table
"Oh y'know! always the same" she say with a caring smile
Kathleen look down at her arms then back to her mother "I'm gonna hang out with Abby today" she say smiling at her
"Oh? You are? I'm happy that that girl can make you comfortable to be outside home" she say looking at her proudly
"Yeah..." she say caressing her left arm while smiling at her with her cheeks turning pink
"Kate... I love you" she say walking toward her and caressing her cheek
"I love you too, mom" she say staining up and hugging her

Kathleen phone start buzzing
"Hm? It must be Abby" she take her phone
"Hey, Kate! I'm outside you're home if you're ready!" The voice on the other side of the phone say
"Yeah, I'm coming" Kathleen say standing up and walking down stairs "bye mom!" She say waving at her mom that wave back to her

She open the door and Abigail is there standing
"Kate!" She say hugging her
"Hey Abby" she say giggling and hugging her back
"Shall we go!?" Abigail say exited as before
"Absolutely!" Kathleen nod her head
"Just follow me then!" Abigail say starting to walk in direction of the place
"Right behind you!" She say following her

They end up in an massive abandoned palace with broken windows and the door cut in half
"We really have to enter there? It seems like it could collapse at any moment"
Kathleen said worried looking at Abigail
"Come on! Don't be such a pussy!" Abigail say looking at her with a courageous smile
Kathleen giggle "ok, Mrs courage"

They enter
"Fuck! This place is amazing!" Abigail say pointing a chandelier made with gold
"I guess someone rich may had bought it" Kathleen say while walking toward the kitchen
"Yeah! This place is filled with gold stuff!" Abigail say charmed by the stuff in the palace "we should take something and sell it!" She say giggling
"Are you crazy? Absolutely no!" Kathleen say worried by the idea
"Come on! I was just joking!" Abigail still giggling

The two of them keep exploring the place
"This bed is tremendous! Is like 3 times mine!" Abigail say jumping on it
"Abby! Don't jump on it! You'll end up breaking it!" Kathleen say taking her arm and trying to pull her down
"Huh! You're so annoying sometimes!" Abigail say giggling

A loud noise come from downstairs
"What was that!?" Kathleen scared shout and take Abigail's hand
"Uh- I... don't know" Abigail say looking at her
"W-we should check!" Kathleen say squeezing Abby's hand
"I guess..." Abigail start to feel worried

They go downstairs
They found the window broke on the floor
"How did that window broke up?" Kathleen say scared looking at it
"What are you doing here, Abigail?"
a man looks at the two girl puzzled
"Jordan? What are you doing here?" Abigail say speechless "you made us shit our pants, you jerk!"
"Calm down, hon!" Jordan say
"Hon?" Kathleen say to herself
"Who's that girl with you by the way?"
Jordan say with cocky smile
"My best friend" Abigail say with a mad expression
"Your best friend, huh?" Jordan say more puzzled then before
"Uh... come on, Kate, we're going home"
Abigail say walking away dragging her best friend
"Uh- okay! Just Chill down, Abby!" Kathleen say following her

They leave the place leaving Jordan there alone

"Who... was that man? He also called you honey... it is... uh- you ex?" Kathleen say worried for her
"Yeah... he is... but he is so fucking obsessed I swear... he follow me everywhere" Abby say frustrated and taking a big breath

They reach Kathleen house's

"Well... see you tomorrow, Abby, and if you need anything... just call me " Kathleen say with a caring smile
Abigail can't help but smile back "see you tomorrow, Kate, I swear I will"

Kathleen enter in the kitchen and greet her mom and her dad with a smile, then walk into her room and lock the door of her room
"I hope she will feel better, she seemed so angry before... i don't know what he done to her but he really pissed her off..." after this though she lay on her side and start to sleep

End chapter one

A sweet and dangerous girl Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon