Unconditonal Love

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Amber laid on the ground in her kitchen, with part of her face burnt and her body bled where she had been stabbed. After a certain threshold of pain is reached, it no longer intensifies, but instead you can feel the life draining out of you. Richie made a promise with her that he wouldn't bring Tara to her house with Sam; Tara was never supposed to get hurt. Tara was never supposed to see the dark side of the girl she loved, who made her feel safe like no one else. Amber had tied her up and hid her away in her bedroom closet with her crutches to leave her out of harm's way....

Amber loved Tara and she knew that Tara loved her, but she couldn't help her murderous desires. These desires became apparent one night when they were 13 when she and Tara were sleeping over at Amber's house. They searched for a movie to watch and found the DVD for Stab, an old 90's slasher film, neither had seen before. Feeling rebellious they put on the R rated dvd which would change Amber's life.

Amber became fixated on the movie, feeling this ecstasy watching the stabbings and sneaking glances at Tara when these scenes unfolded. It made her heart race and her breath become short seeing Tara's wide dark brown eyes witness the brutality unfolding on screen. Even the young Amber could see the goofy fake blood, the knife obviously being a prop and obvious over-acting, which left her craving more. Craving for something real.

It scared the young girl how much she became excited by the film, and never forgot Tara's words as she and Amber talked about the movie while watching it. Amber would lay in bed at night and replay the conversations in her head, wanting nothing more than to relive the moment.

In the years that followed, the topic of the Stab movies would occasionally come up when a new movie in the series was released. She would always take Tara to see the new Stab movies, which gave her doses of excitement similar to watching the first Stab movie that time with Tara.

Excitement shot down Amber's body whenever Tara rarely would mention the Stab movies, which she did only about ten times since they first watched the movie, without Amber bringing up the topic herself. Amber would try her best to pretend she wasn't too interested at the mention of the movie series, she wanted to hide this side of her from Tara. Mostly Amber opted to watch the movies alone, in private, to protect the love of her life from her obsession. Amber held these urges back until a man in his late twenties exploited this, taking advantage of her struggles....

Suddenly, Amber saw Tara, towering above her, pointing her gun at her. Tara watched enough Stab movies to know, they always keep coming back until you shoot them in the head. But as soon as Tara noticed Amber was looking at her and they made eye contact, the short girl's face instantly softened. Tara put down the gun and knelt down besides Amber, making sure she was okay and alive. A weak Amber reached her hand up which Tara then held with her two hands, her eyebrows now furrowed and tears coming down her eyes. Tara bent closer to Amber gently and kissed her on the lips, then put her forehead up against Amber's. A faint smile appeared on Amber's face, which caused Tara to break into a much bigger smile, relieved that her lover was alive.

Yes, this situation was Amber and Richie's fault but Tara didn't know what motivated her girlfriend to snap like this. It wasn't Tara's fault that Amber had this obsession with the Stab movies she tried her best to fight but ultimately gave into.

"I still love you," Tara whispered to Amber, "I'll never stop loving you."

"I'm sorry- I'm really sorry for all of this. I love you too," Amber weakly replied.

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