INTRO!! Ish, I honestly have no clue what Im doing.

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Soooo... Hi. Hello. Howdy. Hola. Aloha. Hallo. Ciao. Talofa. Γεια σας. 您好. こんにちは. Здравствуйте. Bonjour. Привіт. Witam. مرحباً بكم. 안녕하세요. Olá and... well, you get the point.

As you may have seen up top I have no clue what I'm doing (haha, that reminds of that line from Newsies) but this is just for fun and me and others to be able to read stories by me and other people who answer.

Basically, I'm just gonna write out a bunch of random questions and you answer them (or don't, I don't really care). You can ask me questions too in the comments and I'll answer them on the next page.

I will not be answering any questions that sound creepy and stalkerish or can give you any personal information about me that I don't want shared. I will try to not be asking those kinda questions either, sorry if it comes out that way.

If you want me to answer any of these questions you can just the numbers of them in the comments as well.

Welp, that's about it, have fun!

Question 1- What's your favorite childhood memory?

Question 2- Favorite book series/ Stand alone? You can also incorporate your favorite author.

Question 3- Whats your favorite song? And how the heck did you pick it cause I have absolutely no idea what mine is lol

Question 4- Do you like musicals, if so, what's your favorite?

5- Favorite/ dream travel destination?

6- longest word you can think of on the spot (NO LOOKING UP LONGEST WORD AND COPY AND PASTING OR SMTH LIKE THAT)

7- Who is your favorite book crush? 

8- If you're favorite flavor of pizza was a person, what would they look like?

9- You guys are all so amazing and talented and beautiful just the way y'all are, but if you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be? Mine would be my hair, I'd change it rose gold like Evangeline Fox (If you don't know who that is then please please PLEASE read 'Once Upon a Broken Heart,' you wont regret it, though unless you want spoilers, I would read 'Caraval' first)

10- Do you guys have any real crushes???  *suggestive eyebrow raise and the face every mom does*

11- What's your deepest regret?

12 -What's one secret you've never told ANYONE (or at least, almost anyone)

13- Do y'all have a favorite parent?

14- And lastly for rn, are y'all actually mature and do work on time or are yall procrastinators? *cough, cough* like me *cough*

 One little fun fact about me- I hate math with a passion, no offense to people who do like math though, I admire y'all a lot, congrats!

Okay, its almost midnight here, bye guys!!!

Also, if I spelt anything wrong that's my bad, I didn't look over it at all. Sorry!

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