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 From the first "chapter," I got asked by @wisegirl2pointo who my book crush is. Well... I have A LOT. But I'll name a few.

First off, we have Jacks of Hollow/ The Prince of Hearts from the "Once Upon a Broken Heart" series. I am very much in love with him. I also love Keefe Sencen from KotLC. I would marry both of them (though admittedly I would choose Jacks over Keefe, please don't kill me fangirls). There's also Maxon, Julian, Dante, Percy, Leo,  Thorne, Jest (I FREAKIN LOVE JEST), Augustus, Cardan, Adrian, Phillip, Jace, Rafe, Jameson, Snow (when he was young though), Aaron, Kaz, Andrew (except he's gay so he wouldn't be into me :'(), Kai, Draco, Aden, kinda Peeta, Four/ Tobias, Hugo, and so on and so forth. I read a lot if you cant tell. Anyway, on to the questions!

15. How has y'alls day been?

16. Do you support women's rights?

17. Favorite movie?

18. In your opinion, which is the worst movie adaptation of a book you've read? *cough, cough* Peter Johnson *cough*

19. Are you okay?

20. Do you play any sports you enjoy?

21. Have any of y'all read the AFTG series? (IYKYK) If you do end up reading it cause of this, you didn't hear about it from me...

22. Favorite food?

23. Name of a person you've wanted to slap/punch/kick/hurt really really hard?

24. Whats the main thing you wanna do before you die?

25. This might be weird but how do you wanna die?

26. First book you actually cried during?

27. Do y'all have an actual sleep schedule? I don't think anyone on this website does but just checking lol

Have a nice time of day peoples.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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