Dinner Party

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"Yo- what the fuck is up with you and the wifey, brosky?"

"We bought a one way ticket to Splitsville, Mr. H."

Beau and Everett laugh at their parodied conversation hyperbolizing what they think will be said at dinner tonight. They have been doing this for almost the entirety of the time that they have spent getting ready for the event. Everett is jumping into a pair of khakis after deciding against the jeans that he had on previously. Beau, on the other hand, has been dressed and ready to go, but lounges on the bed as he waits for his partner to settle on an outfit.

Knowing that Everett is a little on edge about discussing his divorce tonight with the others, Beau tries to keep things light by cracking jokes about the situation. So far, he thinks he has done a decent job of loosening the guy up. He has been trying to emphasize that there is nothing to be nervous about and no one is going to judge him and Charlotte for separating.

"Then you went to the airport and hopped on a direct flight to Hunk City, right?" Beau wiggles his eyebrows at Everett who seems to finally deem his outfit to be satisfactory for the occasion. He is now wearing a light sweater and khaki pants. Meanwhile, Beau had already thrown on a Henley and jeans and called it a day a while ago.

Everett smiles down at him as he walks over to Beau where he is watching him from the bed. Once he's close enough, Beau tugs Everett on top of him so he straddles his lap.

"I tried to, but I think I got on the wrong flight and ended up on Idiot Island." Beau throws his head back and laughs at this. He tangles their fingers together on both hands and pulls Everett in for a kiss. "Sounds like you need to put out an SOS. Lucky for you, I'm willing to send help, but for a small price," Beau smirks up at him.

Untangling one hand so he can run it through Beau's hair, Everett mirrors his smirk. "We'll see if I can pay the fee when we get back from dinner," he states before getting off of Beau and walking out the door.

"You expect me to go to dinner like this?" He hears Beau groan from the bedroom as he makes his way downstairs.

Laughing, he calls back, "There's a communication delay between Idiot Island and Hunk City- you should've taken time difference into consideration."

"Gonna end their allyship over of this," Everett hears Beau mumble as he follows him downstairs.

"You do that, oh great leader of Hunk City," Everett teases before grabbing the car keys and heading to the garage.


After a short drive they pull up outside of a ranch style house. There is a wraparound porch encapsulating it and an intimidatingly tall poll proudly flying the American flag in the bright green grass of the front yard. Everett also notices one particular car in the Hackley's gravel driveway.

"Is that Mrs. T's ride?" Beau questions as if reading Everett's mind. Her old blue truck sits in the driveway with the sunshine gleaming on the few parts not covered in rust. "Looks like it," Everett responds with a shrug before exiting the car.

The front door opens almost immediately after Everett rings the doorbell.

"Welcome, gentlemen! Come on in, kick off your shoes and join the boys in the family room. We're so happy to have you here tonight," Mrs. Hackley greets them warmly.

The mailman's wife is a short blonde woman who always has a smile on her face. Everett recalls that she has always been kind to him, but he doesn't know much else about her. He seems to only ever run into her when she's with her husband who does most of the talking.

"Thanks for having us, Mrs. Hackley. You have a lovely home," Everett replies with a smile before taking off his shoes. Beau follows suit and holds out a bottle of wine toward the hostess. "We brought the grape juice," he gives the bottle a slap before holding it back out for Mrs. Hackley to take.

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