first day of college...

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        It was the first day of college..
As I walked to the halls I'm 6'6 in height as I always wear a black hood and glasses. As everyone stared at me up and down girls jaws dropped. I was lost so I asked a near by person. Turns out this guy was a bully. As I didnt know that.. until now...


The guy that talked first his names Rise 6'6 in height 19 years old he's a mysterious man as he always wears a black hoodie and with non fitting pants. He's an A+ student always at the top of his classes. He's a genetel man and so called a gentle giant but also something mean to people if there mean first.

The one he's about to talk to is Alexander. He's 6'4 in height 19 years old as well. He mostly wears baggy clothings he's an average student and always gets in trouble bcs of bullying.
He's a rude guy that doesn't really know manners and how to not take stuff without asking. He always takes what he wants.

End of chaper 0.

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