Chapter 1: a good morning....

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Funtime foxy was sleeping in his bed and then his alarm went off foxy got up and yawned he did a big stretch and got up ''ah what a nice nap''Foxy said getting up walking downstairs his daughter panda and lolbit were sitting on the couch  watching movies ''morning dad!''Panda said waving ''morning panda so what are you two doing?''Foxy said walking over ''oh we're just having mothe- ah I mean uh a movie marathon?''Lolbit said ''uh yeah yeah''Panda said ''well that's good you two are getting along''Foxy said hugging them both giving lolbit a kiss ''well I better get working ''Foxy said waving ''have a nice day hun''Lolbit said ''bye dad''Panda said foxy waved and walked out

Foxy went to Funtime freddy's popcorn stand ''hello welcome to freddy's popcorn stand welcome to the popcorn stand''Freddy said ''hi Freddy  could I get one popcorn please''Foxy said ''oh ok coming right up''Freddy said handing him a chicken foxy sighed ''thanks Freddy ''Foxy said walking off ''later foxy''Freddy said waving  foxy walked around and went to the bathrooms ''oh hey foxy''Springtrap said waving ''hey springtrap''Foxy said ''so how your day?''Springtrap said ''well you know it just started but its going well how about you?''Foxy said ''oh its going alright ''Springtrap said ''so do you need any help with anything?''Foxy said ''nope everything going all well''Springtrap said ''oh well that's good i'll be off now bye''Foxy said walking away ''later foxy''Springtrap said foxy traveled to the movie theator where pigpatch was ''oh hey pigpatch!''Foxy said ''hey foxy''Pigpatch said ''so whatcha watching?''Foxy said ''oh nothing but i'm planning on watching a horror movie wanna join me?''pigpatch said ''oh sorry maybe later ''Foxy said ''oh ok then well bye''Pigpatch said waving ''bye pigpatch''Foxy said walking off 

''ok now I have to and check on balloras room''Foxy said to himself walking puppet was sitting on a the couch waiting for balloras show ''oh hey foxy''Puppet said ''Hey puppet so are you just waiting for the show''Foxy said sitting besides him ''yeah and foxy?''Puppet said ''yeah?''Foxy said ''the accident wasn't your fault''Puppet said ''what?''Foxy said ''there is not lolbit there is no puppet there's no Freddy  here again the accident wasn't your fault I fogive you just so you know that''Puppet said ''......''Foxy went silent and blinked puppet was gone ''what the?''Foxy looked around and then rubbed his eyes ''ugh puppet usually does this its all fi-''Foxy looked around it was the old pizzaria it looked ruined the lights were broken and they're were broken parts of the building and rubble everywhere where he saw puppet was just a purple and blue box that was covered in rubbled and a white flower was there and his broken mask....

Foxy looked around and fell on his knees he looked at himself he was all dirty with ripped pieces of his suit on him he was a bit broken but alive there were burn marks on him and his tail was in ruins foxy looked around ''...........''Foxy was silent ''oh.....of course how would we have lived  so kid that was born from and egg had these''magical'' powers and teleported everyone to a new pizzaria where we had a happy stupid''Foxy said to himself he tuck his head in his knees and wrapped what was left of his tail around himself and cried himself to sleep

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