Pay back part 2

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Flashback Lottie's pov
"Daddy sissy's in trouble again" I hear my little sister shout but she seems so distant like she is in another universe
"oh darling not again I thought you were getting better"  usually those words would effect me but in this moment all I feel is numb  I see my moms blurry figure come up next to me next thing I know I am shaking violently and than my eyes roll to the back of my head and my vision goes blank

End of flash back Lottie's pov
I feel a tear run down my face snapping me back to reality

Look in my eyes what do you see

I touch my face to make sure it's dry thank god I didn't start crying out here

Cult of personality

I see AJ walk out of backstage and on to the ramp with his shirt on and his music playing

I know your anger

She skips a little down the ramp than twirls

I know you dreams

She gives me a childish wave than counties to skip around the ring

I can be everything you wanna be

She gets into the ring than gets in my face singing the next lyrics

Cult of personality, cult of personality

She gets out of my face with a smirk than finally that haunting music dies off
I get back into character trying to forget about it all

I hear the bell ring and AJ tries to run straight towards me but I duck and her crazy ass goes flying into the turn buckle
I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist and suplex her onto the mat I kick back up and taunt her "come on AJ that's the best you can do" she rolls me into a surprise pin and I kick out at 1 I stand up and she runs at the ropes coming back at me wrapping her body around me making a black widow

My arm twist in pain "fuck" I grunt in pain I gather all my strength and stumble to the rope behind me  flinging aj over the top rope when her body falls and my arm jerks back than I fall to my knees taking a second to catch my breath than rolling out of the ring and grabbing aj by her hair to stand her up but than she elbows me in the stomach and grabs me whipping me into the barricade entire my entire body crumbles to the floor and she start kicking me rapidly I try to kick or grab anything I can but my vision is a blur

My vision finally gets better and I grab her leg and yank her down with me she lands on her back and it gives me a second to get back up I than pick her up successfully this time and I spot the Bella twins in the front row I point at them and they grin eagerly
Hopping over the barricade

I throw AJ off to Bri while Niki distracts the ref and Bri does her signature on her than hops back over the barricade

AJ lands in my hands limp and everybody is saying to pin her and yes I totally could have but I need more this isn't just a match it's payback for not just what she has said and done but for what he did

I drag her over to the announcement table and body slam her threw it than pick her body back up and throwing it in the ring

I go into the corner and hype the crowd up them already erupting in cheers
"cut her off" starts rining through out the arena I smirk and give the crowds a thumbs up than turn around to AJ getting to wobbly feet and I hit my finisher called cut off

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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