The Party

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In the blink of an eye, the party had rolled around.

Charles had decided to wear a white button up with some star patterned jeans; most of his friends disapprove of them, but he wears them anyways.

He had promised Pierre that he would pick him up, though by the clock it seemed they were both going to be late.


Just as expected, they were fashionably late.

In fact, probably the last ones there.

Charles pulls up to the beast of a house.

He'd expected it to be big, but not a mansion.

He and Pierre enter through the front doors; Charles's eyes slowly inspecting the place and faces.

The ceiling hung like the sky above, holding up a colossal chandelier. Two sets of stairs led up to the second floor, bedazzled with jewels and stones. Upstairs, there was an array of identical rooms.

Most of the faces there were high members of the FIA, including some of the hosts close friend and family, unfamiliar to Charles.

They make their way to the bar to get a couple of drinks and hopefully see some of their friends.

Most of them are there, including Lando and Max. Lando's already preoccupied in a conversation with Oscar, his face tinted in a light pink. Oscar listened tentatively, smiling at him with heart eyes. Max on the other hand was alone. His eyes darted to Charles and his face brightened upon seeing him.

He notices that Carlos is missing.

Better for him.

Max approaches Charles with two drinks in his hands, handing one to Charles. He seems rather eager in talking to him.

"The car seems pretty well built, eh?"

The topic of racing was not something Charles wanted to discuss. Especially after last week's race.

"Yeah it's definitely a race winning car."

He so desperately wants to end this conversation.

Tonight, he's here to drink and forget.

He has a couple of more drinks before noticing Carlos still hasn't arrived.

He tries to find an excuse to get out of the conversation, and he also needs to go to the bathroom, "I just need to go to the bathroom I'll be back in a miniute"

"Mkay I'll get us some drinks." Max walks away towards the bar where he sees Daniel. They seem immersed in a newfound conversation.

Charles has a hard time navigating his way to the bathroom, especially in a mansion so big.Finally, he catches sight of a bathroom before hearing something in the room next to him.

It sounds like...sobbing?

Who on earth could be crying here?

He decides to take a peek.


Just leave Charles, pretend you never saw anything.

But he can't. Because even if Carlos ruined his race, he's still his teammate, his friend. He's still human. And Charles can't bare to hear him cry.

He decides to open the door.

The room is dimly lit, quite small as well. It houses a bookcase and a couch only.

Carlos quickly wipes the tears out of his eyes.

Charles moves closer towards him "What are you doing here?"

No response.

Charles moves to sit next to Carlos, his hand on his shoulder.

He feels a weight on his shoulder.

He grips Carlos's waist and moves to wipe his tears.

"Are you okay?"

No response.

"Do you wanna talk?"

Carlos silently shakes his head.


They stay silent for a while, Carlos in Charles's embrace.

It feels nice.


He moves his hands up to Carlos's back to bring him closer.

Carlos almost immediately relaxes against him.

It feels right, like his home was in Charles's embrace.

Charles sinks his nose into Carlos's hair.

It had been quite overgrown, but Charles liked it more like this.

They stayed quiet for a couple of minutes before Charles broke the silence.

"Let's go home, okay?"

Carlos tilts his head up to look in Charles's eyes, pupils still slightly red, "Its okay Charles please go back"

He shake his head"No, I was planning on leaving anyways and plus we're staying at the same hotel"

He seems reluctant at first but eventually agrees.

He lets go of Carlos for a second and took his wrist. He feels empty without Charles's touch.

Standing up from the couch, he silently opens the door and gestures for an exit through the back door to be more discreet.

The crowd acted as a good way to make sure nobody recognized them or tried to talk to them. They maneuvered their way outside and to Charles's car.


The car ride was silent for the most part; a comfortable silence.

He could almost hear Carlos's tiredness.

Finally they arrived and stepped out into the hotel.

Carlos smiled softly at Charles before speaking, "Thanks for the ride"

Charles returned the smile, "No problem, anytime"

They bid their farewells and part on the elevator.

Charles still feels uneasy about his teammate. It wasn't like him to cry or be sad. He usually wore a neutral or happy expression.

What was he crying about?

Or who?

He makes it his mission to finally talk to him. And he decides the best time for that is tomorrow.

They both have nowhere to go anyways.

He changes into a pair of sweats before drifting off to sleep.

Unable to keep Carlos off his mind.

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