(Chapter 2) The cell

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Chapter 2 The cell

When Zaguar woke up he had a mind splitting headache. He slowly got up before looking around. But when he did that, it for some reason looked...different. Then it hit him, he doesn't know where he is. And before he could process anything at all he heard voices. He frequently looked around trying to find a spot to hide in. He spotted a bush nearby; he ran to get there in time because he could hear the voices getting closer. He holds his breath, not daring to make a sound. Then the voices were right next to him. He could hear them talk in a different language. He tried to crawl away, but the moment his foot turned he made a loud noise. The random people stopped talking and looking directly at Zaguar. He froze at place sacred to make a move. They charged at him, Zaguar got up and ran as fast as he could. But they were closing in, he looked behind him for a second, that may have been his biggest mistake. The moment he turns around he gets knocked out.

He could still hear them talk; his eyes were getting heavier by the second. He told him self to stay awake, he was scared of what they will do if he loses consciousness. He wants to move but he's afraid to, he's losing consciousness.


When he woke up, he was in a cell, he almost couldn't see anything. (Hello) said a voice Zaguar turned around as fast he could. (Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. My name's Sager but everyone calls me Sag.) said the random guy. When Zaguar got a better look, he was stunned. The boy had blonde hair and the most beautiful gray eyes. he couldn't stop staring. (Sorry I'm Zaguar.) (Nice to meet you Zaguar So, what got you locked up here?) (don't know) I said as i sat next to him. Zaguar always had trouble communicating with people, but for some reason he could talk to Sager like normal. (You don't know?) Said Sager. I shook my head. (some random person knocked me out and took me to...) I looked around (to wherever this is.)

(I'm pretty sure that's illegal.) said Sager. Zaguar shrugs looking around once more. And for the first time he noticed that there were weird shapes all across the wall it looked like a language. (Hey Sag, do you know what all of this mean?)

A/N hope you guys liked it I be posting more soon

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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