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(Sammy pov)

I felt like we have been here for years when have been here for a few days and I can't help but think we are never getting saved until one we spotted a camp fire I would like to think it is Ben but I told myself just let him go it was getting dark which ment we all to find food

Kenji:When do dinosaurs ever get tired of running

Yaz:I don't care. i just want something to eat. The last thing we ate was Ben's dus-

I look away in sadness

Yaz:Sammy, I didn't mean to

"It's okay, we have to let it go," I said in sadness

Brooklyn:Don't worry, i think we are near the main park

Darius:she's right, look, it's right over there

We all saw the top of the building and we all started to run to it when we got there it was in ruins the building's falling apart blood on the ground I couldn't stand the smell it was bad but we were all looking for food but and I found a book that said that it knows we're a emergency becon is in the park
I told them, and as we discussed, I found a campfire

Yaz:Maybe it's other people

We all went there and there were people they turned around and called us out

???Hey, it's okay. You can come out

I walked out, and everyone else did to

???:Well you kids alright

Then they got us food and something to drink we told them what happened here including Ben's death

Tiff:I'm so sorry that you guys lost your friend

"It's okay I'm fine if we talk about it"

Darius:there you go Sammy

(Yaz pov)

No wonder why Sammy told tiff and micth about ben and she had a crush on him and I want for her to be with ben but I do as well.

Camp Cretaceous Let Me Love You(Ben x sammy)Where stories live. Discover now