02: The interview

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It was the next morning and we all got up and got ready for the day. I went for a shower and when I got out I got changed.


I walked out in my outfit and walk to the lobby where everyone else was

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I walked out in my outfit and walk to the lobby where everyone else was. Iwe walked to the limo and went to the place the interview would be held at. When we got there we waited to be called. Once we were we went on stage.

{3rd person Pov}

Interviewer 1: Hello Everyone Welcome back to another Interview it's me Alexa.

Interviewer 2: I'm Alan.

Interviewer 3: And I'm Jessie.

Alexa: and today we are Interviewing the one and only BTS.

*The members walked out and went to the seats and dat down*

Alan: So we will be asking you all some questions and you have to answer them all truthfully.

Jessie: Ya Jimin Baby

*she winked and Jimin which made him feel uncomfortable*

Yang: Never wink at my baby Mochi again.

Jessie: Doe you have a crush on him?

Yang: No but he's my Oppa and I respect my Oppas and he looked uncomfortable too so just don't.

Alexa: Anyway let's start with question number 1. Do any of you have a crush on anyone?

NJ: No none of us do we prefer to not fall in love till we are ready.

Alan: Has anyone here been in relation ship?

Yang: I have.

Jessie: Do you mind telling us what happened.

Yang: Not much to tell other than I trusted him with my hole life then I found out he was having sex with another girl who was my best friend.

*everyone gasped*

SJ: And you never told us.

Yang: It's not a big deal I was 14.

All: 14!

Yang: Sheesh he was 16 my bff was 15 not that big of a difference besides we never did it I'm still to innocent for that.


Alexa: Namjoon rate the members from the most adorable to the least adorable.

NJ: Yang, Jimin, Tae, Jungkook, Yoongi, Hobi, then Jin.


*she clapped cutely*

Jessie: If you were to date someone what's your type?

NJ: Well that's between us but in Yang wants to she can.

Yang: I just want someone who it kind and loving someone who's smart like Namie, Handsome like Jinnie, Adorable like Jiminshi, cuddly like TaeTae, strong like Jungkookie, and  protective like Yoongi oppa.

Alexa: Ahhh okay well next question and this one is for you Yang.

Yang: Okie. *😊*

Jessie: You've been in BTS since 2013 and since you debuted you never said anything bout your family. Why is that?

Yang: Because no one need to worry bout me and my drama.

Jessie: Where are your parents do they even like the idea of you being an idol.

Yang: My dad is dead and my mom is at home drunk and no she doesn't like the idea but I honestly don't care what she thinks.

Jessie: Why do you not care what your mother thinks I mean she is your mother?

Yang: To me she isn't. My mother doesn't like me she never once looked at me with love and care and after my father died when I was 1 she started to drink and wouldn't come back until morning. I had to take care of my self and cook for myself.

Jessie: We heard you have a brother in jail. Why is he in jail and not with you.

Yang: because when I was 5 and he was 14 he... He...

*Jimin place a hand on her thigh*

Yang: He rapped me and made out with me even when I told him to stop which I did the hole time but he never listened. It took me 1 week to finally be able to walk and go to the police. That's why hes in jail.

Jessie: What did your mother do about it?

Yang: She did nothing she just stood and watched every single thing he did and cheered him on. And when he went to Jail she started to slap and punch me. But now I don't have to deal with her.

Jessie: But how did your father die?

Yang: He was in a Car crash.

Jessie: Are you sure that it wasn't you who killed him?

Yang: Why would I kill my own father?

Jessie: I ask the questions here.

Yang: No I didn't kill my father I would never do that.

Jessie: Really cause it sounds like you did.

Yang: I never killed my father.

Jessie: You know it's been years you wouldn't even go to jail for it so you can admit it.

JM: HEY she said she never killed her father show some respect.

NJ: He said that she said she never killed her father and to show some respect.

Jessie: But she could of she may seem innocent but I'm telling you she's going to turn out to be a devil.

Yang: SHUT UP.

*the hole room goes silent*

Yang: Im not a killer and for you to say this makes you a hater and the fact your not stopping her make you all haters of me and I don't like haters because haters are just people who love to make people's lives miserable. Well guess what your not doing that to me. Say anything you want about me idc but never turn your back on Karma cause it can mess you up real good. Also you hurt me you will get yourself into a lot of trouble.

YG: That's my girl.

SJ: Let's go home.

TH: Yeah to much drama.

JK: Let's go *三三ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ*

HS: Yeah let's go.

*Namjoon stood up and grabbed Yangs hand and pulled her away withh the other members*


When they were in the car Yang felt like she was about to cry. She held in her tears and remained strong for the group. She was happy she was going to be going home later on that same night.

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