♡ A Tad bit Uneasy ♡

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Vincent sharply inhales and walks into the dimmed room, attempting to give off  a cool demeanor.

"Yes sir?"

"We have an...."important" matter to discuss. So take a seat Vincent"

He cautiously takes a seat on one of the plush couches.

"Right. I saw you've brought some mortal into our Palace a... human ?!"

Vincent freezes, his brain going into a overload for a short second.
But then he scoffs
"Ah, No I mean it was his choice after all Sir"


It's not often that Vincent feels unease...but now is certainly not a time where he isn't...

Would he really risk this boys life?
What was he thinking?? Ofcourse he would! He's barely known him anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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