Truth or Dare (Part one)

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Requested by asgardianlove2011

Hope you like it:)

I haven't edited this after writing so please ignore if any grammar errors are seen.

One weekend Tony Stark decided to play Truth and dare with the rest of the Avengers in the living room. Though most of you disagreed to play... Tony Stark made sure that everyone was at his mercy as he turned the bottle around the circle of Avengers around him with two small glasses of vodka and lemon infront of them.

The rules of truth and dare of Tony stark were simply. When the bottle turns to you, you have to either answer to the question asked or do the dare. But there was a special thing about this one. Everytime a person refused to do the dare or answer the truth, they get a chance to skip by taking a shot of vodka but there was another can use the vodka as an excuse only once.

The bottle turned towards Bucky and the other end to Tony. "Truth" Bucky replied to his smirk. "Who'd you wanna bang in this room?" Bucky took the vodka shot and Tony turned the bottle and the bottle turned to Bucky again and Tony the one to ask. "Truth" he said again. "Who you like in this room?" Bucky replied. "Y/n"

Everyone's eyes turned on you and your cheeks were flushed hard. Bucky made an eye contact with you and smiled. "Beautiful... beautiful Y/n" he muttered as he sipped his drink which made you a blushing mess, Loki was glaring at him as he sat next to you. He didn't like this at all.

At the first round, little Peter, Wanda's brother confessed their feelings towards you since they all got the same question asked. Everyone's eyes were on you to see your reaction but you were too frustrated from all this and decided to take a gulp of whiskey next to you to reduce the feeling of overwhelming you were feeling inside. At last the bottle turned to Wanda and she got the same question asked. She smirked as he glanced at Vision and said his name. "I mean...why not?"

"Ew, he's a robot!" Barton muttered and Wanda huffed as Pietro gave Vision a glare who was in the other room making some snacks for Wanda so she'd feel better after her mental breakdown. Then the bottle turned and the next person was Steve and even he too was asked the same question and his answer too was you. "Geez why you all are wrapped over Y/n when I still exist!?" Tony cried dramatically. "Because You're not a girl Stark" Pietro replied which made everyone chuckle.

"And besides she's both cute and hot how can we not feel anything?" Someone in the four questioned him. Again everyone's eyes were on you and you decided drink more to stop this overwhelming feeling but just when you were about to take a gulp the bottle turned to you and everyone cheered. And Natasha asked you. "Truth" you replied, knowing that they'd make you do something inappropriate if you choose dare.

"Out of the four people that confessed to you or anyone in this room, who do you have feelings for?" Your mind froze but you glanced at the vodka and took a shot. Natasha pouted but turned the bottle.

The game went on till the bottle turned to you again. This time Thor had to ask you the question. "Uh dare" you blurred out without thinking and regretted it. Thor smirked and gave Loki a glance, he knew that Loki too had feelings for you, not just lusting over and staring...true feelings for you and out of all the people he'd caught you a couple of times when you watching Loki from a distance and drop your jaw when you saw him shirtless once in the garden or secretly watch him read a book, and vise versa with Loki as well. He knew you two liked each other but had no idea...and he was gonna set you two up like a good golden retriever he was.

"I dare you to kiss the person that you have feelings for." That aroused the other four watching you with that look hoping you'd choose them. You looked at them, the others like Natasha, Tony and Barton then to Loki and Thor and felt so so overwhelmed.

"Uh-I...arh!" You wrapped your head over your palm and felt flustered as fuck. Loki took your hand in his and gently rubbed your knuckles which seem to work on calming you. You heard him speak in your mind. 'They may be idiots dear but I am not' you felt at ease as you heard him.

'I know you are overwhelmed with everyone's confession and if you don't like kissing anyone I can teleport you somewhere else and escape this stupid game. Do you want me to?' at that moment you realised that his feelings for you were geniune or that's what you thought because you had no idea wheather he had feelings for you or not. The difference between the other four and Loki was that Loki cared about your mental well-being and the others...well they either didn't care or were too stupid to not see through how overwhelmed you felt the whole evening.

'No I want to kiss that person' Loki frowned at that. 'But I want you to teleport me to another place' he raised an eyebrow at that but agreed anyways. You opened your eyes and saw everyone staring at you. "Just so you know, you can't skip a round." Tony mentioned which made you blush. But you blushed harder as you looked down and pulled Loki's tie, making him lean down and turned your head to kiss him quickly, making everyone gasp but Thor cheer with joy of being a good matchmaker.

You pulled away and before you could hear anyone give any criticism you wrapped your arms over Loki and closed your eyes shyly. "Now!" You whispered, making Loki come out of his shock and teleport you both in another place in a green flash.

Everyone else in the room blinked before looking at each other. Tony decided to make fun of the four who confessed to you, making them feel embarrassed. Natasha shut Tony up and the bottle was turned for next round.


Part 2 talks on where Loki and Y/n and spend their night. It's a fluff btw;)


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