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you wake up in your camp your soldiers with you are 4 girls and 7 Boys. You all get along with each other in Free Time.Pvt.Foxtrot: man im hungrySoldier: We have something here from that guy we killed last night. hands you a chocolate bar.Pvt.Foxtrot: Damn Arabs.Soldier: Yeah anyway let's eat this. The rest of the Soldiers start to eat except one.Soldier: Come on man eat.Pvt.Foxtrot: yeah man whats wrong with you.Soldier: I just really can't eat, I'm too depressed.i notice that he is an ArabPvt.Foxtrot: i didn't mean youArab Soldier: Come on man just give it a try. Hands you a piece of chicken leg from his plate.Arab Soldier: It's good I promise.Pvt.Foxtrot: okYou take the piece of chicken and eat it. It's actually tasty.we hear a rocket from the Taliban shooting at usArab Soldier: Oh Sh*t! Get down! Everyone quickly get to cover.i grab my M4 CarbineYou hear a lot of gunshots as the Taliban attack the base. The sounds of rocket fire can be heard as you hide with your fellow soldiers. The enemy is advancing on your position.i peak up and return fireMany enemies fall to your gunfire. The remaining enemies return fire, some have rocket launchers. There are many enemies outside the camp and they're starting to get in.i toss a grenadeThe grenade explodes, killing many more enemies. The enemy numbers are diminishing and the Taliban soldiers outside seem to be retreating. The situation is calming down.Pvt.Foxtrot: holy shit fuckerOne of your fellow soldiers comes up to you. It's the one that wouldn't eat earlier.Pvt.Foxtrot: hey man whats up the man who didn't eat punches me in the faceHe knocks you back but you quickly get up, still in pain. This guy hits a lot harder than he looks. Everyone is watching this.i jump on himPvt.Foxtrot: what did i do why did you hit first?The guy does not respond to your question. There's now a fight going on between the both of you. The other soldiers, including the women are looking at you shocked.i pin him on the ground holding his arms downThe guy tries to kick you or get you off him. All of the other soldiers are witnessing this and are unsure whether to intervene or not.i roll him over and zip-tie his hands behind his backPvt.Foxtrot: fuck dude what the hell?The guy still does not speak. Your fellow soldiers approach both of you and separate you. The one female soldier goes up to the guy and starts questioning him on why he hit you.Pvt.Foxtrot: dont untie himYour female friend doesn't untie him. She asks him once again. "Why did you hit him?" He remains silent.Pvt.Foxtrot: look i didn't mean you when i said 'damn Arab' i said to the man who punched meThe Arab soldier remains quiet but one of the other soldiers speaks out. "So you punched him because of that?"The Arab soldier nods.Pvt.Foxtrot: dude...Other Soldier: "That's no reason to punch him."Arab: "In my culture its not nice to say those things to anyone."Pvt.Foxtrot:i start getting angry my world goes red i bet he's defending his country men. i didn't see him shooting any Taliban, did you?Two other Soldiers: "No." One of the female soldiers speaks up.Female Soldier: "Just leave it man. There's no point in arguing over this."Pvt.Foxtrot: i think he's a spy.Another Male Soldier: "You think he's a spy and that's why you hit him? Dude I think you're going crazy."Pvt.Foxtrot: he hit firstThe Arab soldier remains silent. Some of the other soldiers are leaning towards the idea that he may in fact be a spy.Pvt.Foxtrot:i spit beside his arm Damn Muslim.The other soldiers look away. One of them speaks out. "Okay this is going a bit too far now."Pvt.Foxtrot:i walk away cussing like crazy and saying other slurs oh and one more thing for the rag head, you hit me again i throw you out the damn base myself.Arab: "F*ck you."He remains tied up as you head off. Some of your fellow soldiers, mainly the ones who agreed with you approach you.They seem pleased that you stood up for them against the Arab soldier. One of them speaks up. "Great job you gave him what he deserved."Pvt.Foxtrot: the sand monkey wont get away with the lies.The soldier starts laughing as the others laugh. One male soldier is taking pictures of the Arab soldier who's tied up.we start laughing at him, one of the male soldiers who where defending the Arab man came over and started a fist fight with meThe male soldier throws the first punch. The female soldier you were defending before quickly separates the both of you. Meanwhile the Arabic Soldier is still tied up as the other soldiers are still mocking him.Pvt.Foxtrot:i jump on the man who punched me YOU FUCKING IDIOT, I THINK YOU'RE A SPY ALSO.The other soldier who is being pinned down starts struggling trying to break free.i start punching him it looks like a blood bath, all the soldiers are trying to pull me off himThe fighting is getting really brutal as you're punching him multiple times. The female soldier is now struggling to hold you back and is beginning to shout.i get off when the man is not fighting anymore, he's not dead but hurt badHe is completely defenseless and lying there on the floor bloodied. The female soldier is completely shocked from the display. The other soldiers don't seem to know what to say either as they're all stunned. The Arab Soldier is still tied up watching the entire thing.i walk offThe female soldier finally speaks up. "Dude what is wrong with you?"Pvt.Foxtrot: dont fucking startShe begins to speak faster. "You went ballistic. You nearly killed him. Not to mention the slurs you used."i grab my M4 carbine and begin going on patrol i turn to her heres a new one camel jocky.The female soldier is now starting to get frustrated. "Okay that's enough. Are you out of your mind or something?"Pvt.Foxtrot: yeah, no."You have serious issues. I'm actually beginning to question your mental stability."i stop, and start having a PTSD attack Pvt.Foxtrot: i'm fine T-T-The f-f-fact that s-s-spy's are h-h-here is c-c-crazy.She goes over to you, seeming concerned. "Are you okay? You're breathing really fast and shaking. You look like you're about to collapse."
i walk of on patrolShe decides to follow you. She tries to talk to you again. "Hey stop for a second."i lose hereShe grabs your arm. "Stop walking for two seconds. You're not okay."Pvt.Foxtrot: FUCK OFF i bark scaring her so she leavesShe walks away, but keeps a close and observant eye on you from a distance. The other soldiers are watching you as well.2 hours pass (well over my return time)Your Squad leader spots you and runs up to you. He doesn't look happy.i walk pass himYou can tell he starts getting pissed. "Where the hell were you? You were supposed to return 2 hours ago."i keep walking back to baseHe follows you back.SL: "Are you deaf? I said where the hell were you?"when i get back they all realise i have a massive gash on my arm and my face is all beat up and i don't have a gun or any other equipmentThey start getting worried. SL: "Where's your gun? What happened to you?"Pvt.Foxtrot: i thought when a soldier doesn't return, you send a rescue party, so im sorry i was late because i had to escape from being a hostage from the Taliban.Everyone suddenly seems very shocked. They realize how grave of a situation this is.Pvt.Foxtrot: no i was sleeping with them i say sarcasticallyEveryone: They fall silent for a moment. They all look at eachother like "is this true?"SL: "You were held by the Taliban as a hostage and you escaped? Alone?"Pvt.Foxtrot: left them in worse shape they left meThe Squad leader is now more surprised. "You fought the Taliban by yourself and won?"Pvt.Foxtrot: there where like 2Everyone is shocked but at the same time impressed. "There was only 2 of them?"Pvt Foxtrotyeah they where patrollingSL: "I find that hard to believe. How did you beat TWO Taliban soldiers by yourself?"Pvt FoxtrotGo look for yourselfThe Squad Leader decides to do that.Everyone else in the squad looks at you, impressed. There is lots of whispering amongst them as they all think this is insane.Pvt Foxtrothe comes back and he's surprised by me telling the truthHe seems genuinely amazed and impressed at you. SL: "Are you serious? You truly fought them off and escaped by yourself?"Pvt Foxtroti walk off to my bunk to silently have a mental break down from my PTSDEveryone else is still stunned by what they just heard. Nobody can believe that you pulled that off by yourself. The Squad Leader goes over to you and starts to speak.Pvt Foxtrothe sees im having a mental break downFuck offSL: "What?" He seems a bit surprised by your response. He puts a hand on your shoulder to try and get your attention.Pvt Foxtroti stay with my face in my pillowThe Squad Leader tries again. SL: "Hey can we talk for a minute?"Pvt FoxtrotnoSL: "C'mon just for a minute I just want to ask you something."Pvt FoxtrotI SAID NOSL: He seems a bit annoyed and worried at the same time. "Please."Pvt Foxtroti dont answerSL: "Man can you at least look at me while I're talking?"Pvt Foxtroti reluctantly doHe seems concerned and is trying not to raise his voice. SL: "Can I ask you a question?"I nod.He takes a deep breath and speaks. SL: "Tell me, how did you fight off 2 Taliban soldiers by yourself? I didn't even know people were capable of doing that."Pvt Foxtrotthey weren't paying attentionHe seems even more surprised by this statement. SL: "But they were on active patrol, how weren't they paying attention?"Pvt Foxtrotthey where talking with each otherHe seems impressed but still skeptical. SL: "They weren't paying attention when on patrol? They seemed like real incompetent soldiers."Pvt Foxtrotthey aren't real soldiersHe seems shocked. SL: "What do you mean they aren't real soldiers".Pvt Foxtrotthey are terroristsSL: "I get that but I thought they had some sort of basic training."Pvt Foxtroti grab knife and stab in back when not looking i say it like im explaining it to a child it feels like itSL: He can't believe that he just heard that. "You're a freaking Psycho dude..."Pvt FoxtrotSir, respectfully, Go Fuck Yourself.He is completely stunned by this reply and is genuinely beginning to question your sanity again.He takes a deep breath and speaks. SL: "Fine whatever I won't question you anymore... But do me a favour."He's expecting some unreasonable request.Pvt Foxtrotwhat?He gets pretty close to your face. He seems very stern now. SL: "When you go on patrol, Don't do a stupid thing like you did tonight and come back on time.Pvt Foxtrotoh yeah sir i should have walked off while they where talking to me. Go Fuck Yourself.SL: He is pissed off now and is not keeping his cool. "Don't you dare talk to a higher rank like that! Are you stupid?"Pvt Foxtrotyou think i am, don't you?This seems to have struck a chord for him. He is now very angry. SL: "Answer me right now. I didn't hear a "No" in your reply."Pvt FoxtrotYES, SIR.SL suddenly has a very aggressive tone and is very close to your face now. SL: "And you should be. Now get back to your bunk before I make you."Pvt Foxtroti said yes i am stupid, you think i am, don't you?He's so tempted to slap you straight across the face right there. Instead he takes a deep breath. SL: "Yes. I genuinely think you're an idiot."Pvt Foxtrotcool because the team would have died if i didn't stop the attack today that happened when you where gone again.He seems a little shocked at that, he's genuinely beginning to feel that he may have treated you harshly. SL: "You.. stopped the attack?"Pvt Foxtrotyeah i killed the Taliban that attacked us then our own soldier punched me go ask the others.He starts thinking to himself, realizing that maybe you aren't as bad and idiotic as you seem. He walks over to the other soldiers to ask them about the situation.SL is talking to the other soldiers and asking them how the situation when down while you were gone. The other soldiers fill him in saying that you indeed did stop the attack and took out the 2 Taliban soldiers alone.Pvt Foxtroti lay downHe comes back after a while and seems shocked. SL: "The soldiers have told me what happened. Is it true that you actually stopped the attack and defeated the 2 Taliban soldiers on your own?"Pvt Foxtrotum hm.SL: He seems genuinely impressed. "You did all that... by yourself?"Pvt Foxtrotmm hmmSL: "Okay... okay... I didn't expect this at all." He starts laughing out of disbelief. "You're actually not as dumb as you make yourself look. I was sure you were going to die out there today."Pvt Foxtrotbefore he finishes talking i fall asleep not on purpose but i'm just tired as fuckSL: "What the....." He notices you're asleep. "Did you... just fall asleep?Pvt Foxtroti stay asleep i feel horrible i wake up and run out and throw up outside the camp*He hears the sound and goes outside to see. He sees you throwing up. He's actually a bit concerned now. SL: "Are you okay?"Pvt Foxtrotit's pinkish with bloodHe seems even more shocked by the fact that there is blood in the vomit. SL: "Is this a result of your stress? Do you need to go see the medic?"Pvt Foxtroti curl up in a ballHe walks over to you. SL: "Hey are you okay? That vomit had blood in it I'm a bit concerned."Pvt Foxtrotmy PTSD starts to get badHe notices this and tries to get your attention. SL: "Hey hey. You okay? Are you having PTSD?Pvt Foxtroti'm shaking badlySL: "Oh god, are you having flashbacks?"He tries to help you stay grounded. SL: "Try and think back to right now. You're not in that situation anymore and you're surrounded by your fellow soldiers."Pvt Foxtroti throw up even more but this time its more red than pink-ishHe seems extremely worried now. SL: "That vomit has a lot of blood in it. You might need to go see the medic."Pvt Foxtrotyou call over a medicThe medic comes over. The Squad leader explains the situation to the medic and he begins to inspect you.Pvt FoxtrotI keep vomitingThe medic tries to inspect you, trying to see if you may have a stomach wound or something similar. He starts speaking to you. MEDIC: "How do you feel?"Pvt Foxtroti force myself to chuckleMEDIC: "You aren't exactly in tip top condition right now. Do you have any pain or soreness?"Pvt FoxtrotI feel Like shitMEDIC: "Can you move around fine?" He begins to examine you and check your body.He starts pressing and squeezing several different areas of your body in an attempt to see if you have any injuries or a stomach wound.Pvt Foxtrotthe medic makes a horrifying discovery i have a broken rib that punctured a lungMEDIC: He is shocked and speaks sharply. "How did you manage to get your rib broken? Do you have any idea what caused it?Pvt Foxtrotumm i tell him what happened with the two TalibanMEDIC: He seems even more shocked when he hears how the injury happened. "You had a broken rib without even any discomfort or pain? Can I ask you something else?"Pvt Foxtrotprobably adrenalineMEDIC: "Yeah probably. Can I check your torso for any other injuries? Do you mind if I run a diagnostic on you?"Pvt Foxtrotjust fix my fucking sideHe nods. MEDIC: "Alright I'll start by treating your rib. Can you move at all?"Pvt Foxtroti try but strain badlyMEDIC: "Okay don't move too much. I'm going to start with some painkillers."He injects a bit of anesthetic into the area where your broken rib is.The anesthetic is quickly absorbed into your body. MEDIC: "Does it still hurt?"Pvt Foxtrotyeah a bitMEDIC: "Okay I'm going to give you just a little bit more anesthetic just to dull the pain."He gives you another shot of anesthetic until the pain is almost entirely suppressed. Medics like him generally take caution when dealing with broken ribs and don't want to accidentally cause more pain or damage.The pain is almost entirely gone now and you're breathing a bit easier.MEDIC: He then starts to wrap your broken rib. As he wraps it up he carefully checks to see if there are any other injuries that need to be dealt with. He runs a diagnostic on you to make sure that there is nothing else wrong internally.There seem to be no other injuries. Medics always make sure to check the head, abdominal area and groin area thoroughly in case of any injuries within these areas. The diagnostic comes back negative and everything internally is fine. It's just your broken rib.Pvt Foxtroti get help by the medic and lay down in bedThe medic starts applying bandages to help support the broken rib and prevent any further damage. He seems to be a lot more considerate and gentle with the way he treats your body, in comparison to the Squad Leader.The medic wraps you up nice and snug and finishes up his treatments. He seems to be a lot more sympathetic towards you. He speaks to you. MEDIC: "Alright I think that should do it. Do you mind if I ask you one question?"You feel like you're about to pass out. It's not due to tiredness but the painkillers kicking in and the adrenaline wearing off. It seems that the incident drained you. The Squad Leader stands near by and listens in.MEDIC: "Do you experience PTSD?"Pvt Foxtrotoh uh noMEDIC: He seems surprised at your answer and seems a bit suspicious of it. "Are you sure? Can I ask you a few questions first?"The Squad Leader also seems interested in what you're going to say.MEDIC: "Okay first, do you regularly have nightmares?"Pvt FoxtrotFuck i mumble no getting out of this one. uh yesMEDIC: "How frequent? Daily? Once a week?"Pvt Foxtrot3-4 times a weekMEDIC: "How severe are these nightmares? On a scale from 1 to 10."Pvt Foxtrotflash backs to my buddies dyingMEDIC: "That does seem like PTSD... How long have you had it?"Pvt Foxtrot6 yearsMEDIC: He is taken aback a bit. He was expecting you to say something like 2 months or 3 months. Not 6 years.MEDIC: "Are there any other symptoms you've been experiencing with PTSD?"Pvt Foxtrotlightheaded, anger i explain what i did and said to the Arab soldier i knew it was wrong i was just mad.MEDIC: "That makes sense, PTSD can cause extreme behavioral changes and anger is a very common symptom."Pvt Foxtrotyou're not upset with what i said to the Arab soldier?MEDIC: He seems to think about it for a minute. "I mean, it was... pretty harsh... but I understand where you're coming from."The Squad Leader listens in as well and seems to have a similar sentiment.Pvt Foxtroti need to lay down before i throw up againMEDIC: He seems a little concerned about the vomit. "Do you think you're going to throw up again? You still seem a little nauseous."Pvt FoxtrotyesMEDIC: "Can I take your pulse and do another diagnostic?"Pvt Foxtrotthe other soldiers walk in and see the medicThe medic asks one of the other soldiers to come over and assist him with taking your pulse. After making sure that your vitals are still stable and doing another diagnostic he speaks up. MEDIC: "Your pulse is still fairly stable and your vitals and fine. But we need to get you some fluids."Pvt Foxtrotno not him i dont want him to help its the Arab guyMEDIC: "Is there any particular reason why?"Pvt Foxtroti just told you, i was a fucking ass.MEDIC: He thinks about it. "Okay. Is there anyone else that you're more comfortable with?"Pvt Foxtroti see one of my buddiesHey John Get The Fuck Over Here Bro i hold my hand out to dab him upJohn walks over and dabs you up.The medic explains the situation to him and John agrees to help with giving you fluids.MEDIC: He sets up an IV drip and gets the needle ready.Pvt Foxtrotthe female soldier looks worriedThe medic injects the needle into your vein and the IV drip starts pumping fluid into it. The fluid goes in slowly but should help you feel more hydrated and prevent any dehydration. The Squad Leader and everyone else starts watching.The fluid is absorbed into your body and you start feeling better.The Squad Leader looks on in admiration seeing you start to recover.Pvt Foxtrot4 weeks laterim fully betterThe squad leader walks up to you. SL: "Hey you're fully recovered now. You're ready to get back into the action?"Pvt FoxtrotYes, Sir. i saluteSL: He salutes back. He seems like a much more respectful individual now. "Good to hear, we'll be doing a patrol soon. You ready?"Pvt Foxtrotjust a minute i walk over to the Arab guy hey sorry for what i didThe Arab guy shrugs it off. ARAB: "Don't worry about it dude. I'm not exactly that offended or hurt by what you said so it's fine." He seems like he actually feels that way not trying to be dismissive.Pvt Foxtroti explain to him what my PTSD does and thats why i said all the things i saidARAB: He seems much more understanding now. He starts to put the pieces together. "Ohhhh that makes a lot more sense. Yeah it's cool dude I get it."Pvt Foxtroti dont think you're a spy.ARAB: "Well I am quite glad to hear that. So we good now?"Pvt Foxtrotyeah he accidentally pats where my broken rib was its fully healed but still sensitiveARAB: "Ooh sorry. Forgot about that. Are you still feeling some discomfort in that area?"Pvt Foxtrotjust a bit sensitiveARAB: "Ah alright, how about this?" He gently taps your sidePvt Foxtrotyeah thats better i grab my M4 Carbine and M1911 ready for this patrol?ARAB: He nods and grabs his AK-47. "Let's do it and keep an eye out for the Taliban."Pvt Foxtrotwe start the patrolIt goes on like normal until around the two hour mark the two of you stop by a destroyed house. ARAB: "We should probably go ahead and clear this place. Just in case there's any enemies hidden in here."Pvt Foxtrotwe do and i find out that the Arab guy WAS A SPY what hey i trusted you we trusted you but now you are working with them, Why?ARAB: He looks at you smugly. "So I see you found out my real intentions. You trust too easily my friend."Pvt Foxtroti turn on my walkie talkie silentlyThe Squad Leader comes rushing over after hearing the call. He comes in pointing his M4 Carbine at the Arab spy. The other soldiers follow behind, each also pointing their guns.Pvt Foxtroti kick him in the groin and get up and take his weapon away holding my gun at himARAB: He starts gasping for air as he's in a fair amount of pain. He tries to speak but the squad leader cuts him off. SL: "Don't even think about pulling anything. You've shown your true colors now and we're not too happy about it."Pvt Foxtroti zip tie the other Taliban and the i zip tie himThe rest of the soldiers immediately restrain the Taliban and disarm them. The squad leader gives you a thumbs up in approval of how you handled the spy and restraining the Taliban. He begins to radio other squads to inform them of the spy.Pvt Foxtrotmy vision goes redi start saying those things againSL: He notices this and speaks up, trying to calm you down. "Hey hey chill out. It's over we caught the guy."Pvt Foxtroti drag the Arab guy to a cliff YOU SHOULD PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID, DON'T YOU THINK?ARAB: "I don't really think I'm gonna die here right?" He's quite calm despite his situation, almost as if he still thinks he's going to escape.Pvt FoxtrotYOU DON'T THINK I WILL, DO YOU?ARAB: He seems pretty confident that he isn't gonna die just yet. "No, I don't. You wouldn't actually kill me would you?"Pvt Foxtroti get ready to throw him of a 5 thousand foot tall cliff I THINK YOU WILL.ARAB: Now he seems a bit concerned. He doesn't fight back anymore and just waits. He's starting to put together what you're planning to do to him.Pvt Foxtroti throw himHe gets dragged to the edge and tossed off the edge. He screams all the way down but you're pretty certain that the fall will kill him. You and the rest of the squad start to walk away now that the Arab spy is dealt with. They all seem pretty satisfied and relieved that you killed the spy.Pvt Foxtroti start shooting where his body landedYou fire several shots into the ground where he landed. The squad leader and other soldiers just stare at you and nod in approval that you made sure he was completely dead. They stop and check where he landed and make sure he's actually dead. They are relieved that the spy is no longer a threat.Pvt Foxtroti grab the other Taliban you don't want to die. do you?Other Taliban: "No I don't!" He looks scared and is begging for his life.Pvt Foxtrotyou have kids don't you?Other Taliban: "Yes I do. Three of them."Pvt Foxtrotwell they will have to learn to live without a dad. the soldiers think thats to far but before they stop me i toss himThe other Taliban is now on the edge of the cliff. His eyes go wide after hearing you say that and he starts pleading with you and begging for his life. He tells you that he has kids and a wife.Pvt Foxtroti kick him of before my team can pull me away they think i have gone to farThe other Taliban falls off the cliff and screams as he's falling. The soldiers who were about to pull you away are now just standing there watching you do what you're doing without resisting you. They seem to agree that you did the right thing.Pvt Foxtrotbut they think i did the wrong thingA few of the soldiers try to speak up."That may have been a little much don't you think?""Yeah you could've just disarmed him or arrested him."Pvt Foxtrot"TO MUCH", "TO MUCH"! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHATS "TO MUCH" TALIBAN BOMBING A SCHOOL THAT MY KIDS WHERE INSOLDIER: "Whoa calm down we're all on the same side here! We're just saying you didn't have to do that."Pvt Foxtroti pull the pin on a grenade and toss it down the cliff oopsSOLDIER: "WHAT DID YOU DO-" The grenade explodes the other Taliban bodies that had landed at the bottom of the cliff. The squad leader and the other soldiers seem shocked as you toss the grenade but they realize it was the right call and have no complaints.Pvt Foxtroti storm of with a nose bleed from how angry i wasThe squad leader tries to stop you.SL: "Dude where are you going??"Pvt Foxtrotim going somewhereSL: "No wait. It's just that you seem really agitated."Pvt Foxtroti punch a tree you think, gee thanks tips.SL: He sighs. SL: "I know I'll regret asking but can I ask you something?"SL: "Why are you so pissed off?"Pvt Foxtrotdont follow me and i will answer you ok i need to be alone for a minute.SL: He steps back and nods. "Okay I won't follow. Do what you need to do."Pvt Foxtroti go somewhere private i look to make sure no ones around and then i pull out a flask and start to drinkYou make sure it's just you alone before taking out your flask and starting to drink. You take a sip and let out a sigh before you chug the whole flask and feel the alcohol hitting you.Pvt Foxtroti hear a footstep i hid the flaskThe squad leader comes walking around and spots you.SL: "You okay?"Pvt Foxtrotuh yeah fineSL: He looks at you closely again. "Are you sure? You seem pretty upset and drunk."Pvt Foxtrotno im no-t drunk you you're drunk sir.SL: He raises an eyebrow at you and sighs. "Are you sure about that? I can tell just by looking at you that you have been drinking."Pvt Foxtrotnah nah im fineSL: "I can literally smell the alcohol coming off you."Pvt Foxtrotnah it flavoured waterSL: "That doesn't explain the fact that you're swaying and slurring your words."SL: "You are clearly drunk."nah i pull out some chewing tobacco and pop some in my mouthSL: He just stares and watches as you put chewing tobacco in your mouth. "Are you just going to ignore the fact that you've been drinking?"what i stand up and the flask falls woah where did that come fromSL: He picks up the flask. "This yours?"noSL: "Yeah not buying that one. This bottle smells like alcohol and has your fingerprints on it."does it have my name.... noaooThe squad leader sighs and shakes his head. SL: "I could check but either way the evidence is pretty damning as it is. Besides, you have alcohol breath, you're slurring and swaying around. You're definitely drunk."i spit some tabacco outSL: "Do you mind if I do a breathalyzer and prove to you how drunk you are?"nah i got some chew inSL: "Yeah but still you're slurring and stumbling around. You're definitely drunk. Can I do the breathalyzer?"what about my chewSL: "Yeah okay but that won't change anything. Even with the chew in your mouth your breath still smells like alcohol. Your slurring like crazy. And the chewing tobacco isn't enough to make you sway and stumble like this."fineHe pulls out a breathalyzer and holds it close to your mouth.i secretly put a nickle in my mouth before this momentHe doesn't notice this and puts the breathalyzer close to your it will come back as sobberHe waits a bit before he checks the breathalyzer for your alcohol level.SL: "Huh. It says you're sober. But you're acting completely drunk."i do this sometimesSL: "What do you mean by 'you do this sometimes'? You often pretend to get drunk so that people don't stop you from doing things?"no i get drunk without even touching a drop of alcoholSL: He furrowed his eyebrows. "And how exactly do you manage to do that?"i pretendSL: He tilts his head and looks at you skeptically. "So you're telling me that if you just pretend to be drunk you actually get drunk?"kind ofSL: He looks at you closely. "Do you actually get the same feeling as you would if you were drunk?"nopeSL: He lets out a sigh. "If you don't get the same feeling as if you were drunk when you're only pretending to be drunk then what is the point? Why would you even pretend to be drunk?"don't know just funSL: He sighs again. "So essentially you just pretend to be drunk as a joke? Even though you don't even really feel the effects of it?"yepSL: He seems a bit surprised and confused by this. "Well that's certainly an... interesting technique."we leaveYou both start to walk back to the group. The squad leader has some more questions for you.when hes not looking i spit out the nickleThe squad leader is looking at you and talking to you when you spit out the nickel. However he doesn't seem to notice that you spit it out. You manage to successfully secretly spit it out without him noticing.SL: "So this whole time you've just been pretending just to mess with everyone?"no just the drunk partSL: "But isn't the drunk part like 90% of your actions? Or are you just pretending to be drunk for shits and giggles?"Actually 90% of it is hate, 5% is joke drunk and 5% is happy.SL: "Okay I gotta say I'm a bit confused so let me get this straight. You're mostly angry, 5% are joking around, and 5% is you acting happy?"yepSL: "And you can just choose to be happy whenever you want to?"Nope, its a 5 in 100 chance that i will wake up happy.SL: "Okay fine so that clears up most of my confusion. But I still have to ask this: why do you do this? Why do you pretend to be drunk, why do you pretend to be angry?"Oh, I don't pretend to be angry all my anger is real.SL: He gives you a surprised look. "So you're actually just a really angry and pissed off person normally?"yepSL: "Damn dude. Okay well what about the drunk part? Just why?"just lets drop itSL: "That's fine. We can just drop it. But now I'm just curious about one thing... Do you have any mental health issues? Like depression or something?"PTSDSL: "From your deployment?"yep

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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