:🍃: fittings

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mike wheeler 🖇
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

(1 week ago, Tuesday, 12:04 PM)

"Mike come on!" I heard Nancy yell for the thousandth time, even though I was just four minutes late. I almost flew down the stairs, jumping down the last three and almost falling on my sister. "Mike!" she yelled, "don't stand in the middle, jeez!" I yelled back, putting my shoes on as fast as I could. I heard a car horn outside, "wait, Michigan and Mitsuki are waiting for us?" I asked her, looking outside through the window next to the door. "Yes!" Nancy said, throwing her hands up, "why didn't you start with that!" I snapped back.

Both of us speed-walked outside, "we forgot Holly" I said, sopping in my tracks. "Shit" Nancy cursed, rushing back inside to get her.

I made my way to their car, "hey" I said, getting in. "She's getting Holly?" Mitsuki asked from the passenger seat, "uh, yeah, are we going somewhere else as well?" I asked, examining her outfit, she was wearing a light blue tank top with a plain white pencil skirt and platform boots. "No she just over dresses for everything" Michigan smirked, glancing at me for a second, she wore a oversized black t-shirt, and brown cargos. Their outfits explained a lot about them, and why they got along with the people they got along with.

Mitsuki was basically Nancy's new best friend now, they got along so well. They were together almost every second of every day, kind of like me and Will, except the time she was with Steve, and Nancy thought it was too awkward for her to be with him. Honestly, I think Steve is finally moving on from her, and me and Dustin think that he likes Mitsuki now. Dustin said we shouldn't tell anyone otherwise Steve would be pissed off, but naturally, I told Will.

Michigan got along with Robin when she was outside of the house, and me when she was inside. Robin came out to all of us last year, when we were being attacked by two demogorgans. She thought we were going to die and just yelled it out, but her luck was never with her, and Lucas, Dustin, Will and I somehow managed to kill them. She did not speak anything for the rest of the week, thinking no one accepted her, but we did. I think she likes Michigan, now that Vickie left the town. I don't know about Michigan though, but she does give me vibes.

I'm pretty sure Nancy and Mitsuki have almost the same closet at this point. Given that Nancy was wearing the exact same top in pink today, with a black skirt. It's annoying, but then again, me and Will wear three matching bracelets, one blue and yellow, one with our names, and one entirely blue with one yellow bead, vice-versa for Will. We wore them everywhere.

I realized that my outfit was a lot like Michigan's. I had a dark blue oversized shirt, with off-white cargos. My t-shirt was the one I got matching with Will last month. Okay. Maybe I shouldn't be judging Mitsuki and Nancy.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Nancy apologized, opening the door for Holly. I took my little sister's hand, helping her inside. "It's alright, all set?" Mitsuki asked, "yeah" Nancy said, getting inside and shutting the door. Michigan started the car and drove to the dress-fitting place, whatever it's called.

"I'm the flower girl right?" Holly asked all of a sudden, breaking the silence. "Uh yeah, you... you are" Nancy said, she sounded unsure though, "Yeah she's the flower girl" Mitsuki confirmed. "Good, so can I throw the flowers with thorns to people I do not like" she said. Nancy and Mitsuki choked, but me and Michigan laughed. "Honestly you should, but you won't have that much time to analyse that" Michigan said, "Hols I don't think mom is inviting people you don't like" I told her.

"She invited Dustbin" Holly complained, "y-you don't like Dustbi- Dustin?" I asked, usually kids get along great with Dustin. "No! He stole my toy!" Holly said. "Oh, okay" I looked over to Nancy, she looked like she knew what Holly was talking about, she gestured me as if telling me that she'll tell me later.

About 15 minutes later we were there. I held onto Holly's hand, now realizing that I should've asked Will to come, because now I'm stuck with 3 girls who will freak out over dresses. Not Michigan though.

Michigan took the lead, guiding all of us around in the shop. She quickly called the woman who initially picked stuff out for us. The lady led us to a private place so the girls could try on their dresses and I could... uh... stand. Yeah. Stand.

The twin sisters went inside the changing rooms first, 5 minutes later they came out, Michigan wearing a blue dress and Mitsuki wearing a yellow one.

"How original of you both" I said bluntly. Blue and yellow was mine and Will's thing, I even suggested him to wear a yellow suit and I would wear a blue one, to which he said, 'Mike where the fuck am I going to find a yellow suit?' Guess what Will, they have one here.

"Mike, just because you wear blue and yellow bracelets doesn't mean you own the colours" Mitsuki replied, "that's not what they mean" I told her. Mitsuki and I never really had a normal conversation, we would make small talk and then part ways, which is why we have no clue about each other's interests.

"Then what do they mean?" she asked, her voice was genuine, as if she actually wanted to get to know me. "Him and Will" Michigan stepped in, adjusting the straps of her dress.

"Oh" she said, her face was completely blank for a second, "oh my god that's so cute!" she squealed, grabbing onto my shoulders and violently shaking me. I was visibly very much taller than her, but somehow she managed to shake me up.

"Let the boy breathe, Mitsi" Michigan said, she gave a thumbs up to the lady and walked back into the dressing room. "No, let it be, I'm enjoying this" Nancy said as she leaned on the wall with her arms crossed. Mitsuki finally let go of me, "maybe I shouldn't have told you" I mumbled. She heard that. Probably because she punched my arm.

Michigan came out of the dressing room, "gosh be done with it already!" she scolded her sister and pushed her into the dressing room she was initially in. "All yours Nancy" she said as she turned to the lady and handed her the dress she was wearing seconds ago.

Nancy took her dress of the hook and went inside the dressing room, the next second her best friend stepped out of the other. "Can I go?" Holly asked me, tugging on my t-shirt, "would you need help?" I asked back. She shook her head, "if I would, I'd call you" she said. "Okay," I replied, taking her dress off the hook next to wear Nancy's dress was and handed it to her. She took it with both her hands and rushed into the dressing room.

"Are you sure you want to wear only black?" Mitsuki asked me. I nodded, I would stand out right? Even though I didn't want that. Plus, Will said I'd look nice. "And you don't want to try it out right now?" She asked again, "it fit perfectly last time, so no need" I replied. She nodded.

Nancy came outside, wearing her cucumber dress. I'm not going to say that to her though, I'd rather live. "The shoulder fits fine now" she said, turning in front of the mirror. "Mike" a tiny voice came from the other dressing room, Holly. I turned my attention to her, leaving the three 20 year olds alone. "Yeah?" I whispered, "can you help me with the ribbon?" she asked, pointing to the white untied ribbon on her waist, "yeah of course" I replied, kneeling down to her level.

I tied the ribbon in a bow. "This okay?" I asked for her approval, she looked back at the mirror behind her, twirling in front of it, "yeah, thank you" she smiled. I smiled back, standing up again, "come on, let's show the girls" I said. She nodded excitedly as she took my hand and followed me outside.

I've learnt to be more gentle with Holly, Will taught me that. He told me that she's my little sister, and I should be nice to her. Honestly Nancy was never nice to me, so why should I be nice to Holly. But then again, I get the chance to be the favorite sibling, and honestly, I really think I am. Holly always prefers to spend time with me instead of Nancy, and they're both girls, so I guess I'm winning. Thanks to Will.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
word count: 1502

i saw a cat eating a pigeon yesterday, rip

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