Chapter nine

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"It was only a matter of time before you destroyed him" she says not looking my way."I should have never let those people take you away" she says. "It's completely your fault that Rigel is in a coma"

"Please let me see Rigel" I begged her.

"Oh no Georgia" she says. "I'll keep you away forevermore"

"I beg you" I say.

"I told you when you were a child, crying for what you've lost won't bring it back to you" Margaret say looking at me. "Now get away from me"

She wanted to keep me and Rigel apart. But I went back every day just to be close to him.

And i wasn't alone. I was joined by friends, old and new. And I didn't give up.

But the past still tormented me, and he seemed further and fruther away.

There was only one way to set us both free.

"Now please bring in your first witness and swear them in. It is Peter corrin." The judge say.

I was sitting in court with Margaret on the other side of the room.

"Mr, corrin. Can you tell the court whether you were ever subjected to physical abuse or mental abuse, when you resided at the orphanage, sunnycreek home?" my lawyer asked Peter.

I looked at Peter hoping he'll say something.

He shook his head and said no. I could see Margaret in the corner of my eye smirking.

"I'm the statement you gave on the 20tg of February this year, you said. 'Corporal punishment took place regularly. I myself was beaten many times. And often left to go hungry' so you remember saying that mr. Corrin?" My lawyer asked.

"I was mistaken Sir" he said.

"Mr. Corrin, you're aware that giving false testimony is a crime" the lawyer said.

"Objection your honor" Margaret's lawyer said. "He's intimidating the witness. Who is also a minor"

The judge nodded "I'll allow it" he said.

I was playing with my necklace.

What if Margaret win and the kids at sunny creek still gets punished and Rigel have to go back to there. I can't imagine my life without him. 

At the hospital.

I was looking at Rigel through the window. I just wanted to hold his hand.

"Hey" I hear someone say. I turn and see Asia.

"Hi" I say back.

"Is he ok?" She asks.

"I hope so" I answer her.

"Anna and Norman told me that the trial begun already" she says.

I nod.

"How's it going" she asks

"It's difficult" I say.

"Listen... I really wanted to apologize for my behavior that day" she says.

"I understand" I tell her.

"You do?" She asks.

"I know how it feels... to loose the person you love" I say

She smiles a little and brings me into a hug.

Sorry cuties that I haven't been posting that much🤪 I have literally two presentations I have to do next week so I have been busy doing that🥰 but I'll post more after I've done the presentations.

Shadows of the past- Rigel Wilde Where stories live. Discover now