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Bowie, Raj, Wayne, Julia, and Nichelle are online.

Nichelle: Anyone seen Heather's?

Raj: I watched it with Bowie once!

Wayne: I watched it through Bowie's window!

Bowie: I'm OBSESSED with Heather's. Wait. Wayne, what did you mean by watching it through my window?

Wayne: I didn't wanna be left out of a movie night, so I climbed up to your window!

Bowie: Wayne. My apartment is on the FIFTH FLOOR.

Raj: Wayne has always been good at climbing, right Wayner?

Wayne: You got that right, Rajie!

Bowie: Right-

Nichelle: Anyways! Back to Heather's. I need some help with something.

Bowie: And what would that be?

Nichelle: I need actors for a Heather's performance at a local theatre. Some of the actors got sick.

Bowie: I'M IN.

Nichelle: Someone's excited. Do you have any experience?

Bowie: Yes. And unfortunately, so does Julia.

Julia: You got that right!

Nichelle: How do you know that, Bowie?

Bowie: We both did a performance of Mean Girls.

Nichelle: I see- Julia was Regina, wasn't she?

Bowie: Bingo.

Julia: Oh shush, Bowie. I bet you and Raj would LOVE to act out Dead Girl Walking.

Bowie: HAH. I doubt Raj even remembers the reference.

Raj: I remember.

Bowie: Oh shit, you do?

Raj: It's probably one of the catchier songs.

Bowie: Agreed.

Julia: ANYWAYS! I'll be taking a role in the spotlight, I assume?

Nichelle: Nope.

Julia: WHAT?!

Bowie: HAH!

Nichelle: I'm giving one of my FAVOURITE roles to Bowie. We're like, pretty close now.

Bowie: You got that right!

Raj: If Bowie is doing it, can I?

Nichelle: I'll see if I can fit you in.

Raj: Thanks, Nichelle!

Nichelle: No problem!

Julia: Hah. I hope you give them roles that cause some DRAMAAA!

Nichelle: Hm. As much as I hate you, It would get some good reviews.

Bowie: I am not going to be Veronica. I doubt Raj can pass off as Jason also.

Raj: Isn't he the one who does the whole, "VERONICA, OPEN THE DOOR!"

Bowie: You're getting good at remembering musicals. I'll have to invite you over for Mean Girls next.

Raj: Yay!

Wayne: Can I come?

Raj: Sorry Wayner, I kinda want this one to be just me and Bowie.

Wayne: No problem, Rajie! I know how much you love to spend time with your future husband!

Raj: I do love spending time with him- WAIT WHAT?

Wayne: I said what I said.

Bowie: I wouldn't complain with being his husband.

Wayne: SEE!?

Raj: I think I need a breather before I die of blushing.

Bowie: Go sit down, hon.

Raj: On it, coach.

Raj has gone offline.

Wayne: I'll go make sure he's okay!

Bowie: Thanks, Wayne!

Wayne has gone offline.

Nichelle: Oh. I forgot to mention like, 3 minutes ago. We don't need you two anymore.

Bowie: HUH?


Nichelle: We already have back-up actors. I forgot.

Bowie: Fuck you.

Julia: I agree with the man kisser.

Bowie: I will use that insult as a new title, you whore.

Julia: You're the only whore here.

Bowie: Go make out with MK, you girl kisser.

Julia: Go make out with Raj, you man kisser.

Bowie and Julia have gone offline.

Nichelle: Theatre kids are weird...

Scary Girl has come online.

Scary Girl: Guilty as charged!


(I have never seen Heather's or Mean Girls. I'll watch em as soon as I figure out how the fuck I can watch em without my mum freaking the fuck out.)

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