Thank You & Goodbye.

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I want to thank you all for reading this book and voting along with the wonderful readers as well. I honestly couldn't have done this without you.

I'm very sad that this book has come to an end but I'm happier to start new stories soon enough.

Feel Free to check out my new book called: "The Lovely Bones" the chapters are not out yet but will be very soon. i want to be able to move on.

You have been so kind, supportive and loving to my account, thank you again. I've realized that in life, always put God first before anything else.

My favorite scripture is: John 3:16: "for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believed in him, shall not perish but have eternal life." {I really hope that I spelled that correctly 🤣}

I have a story to tell you:

When my brother Malachi was born, he had shaken baby syndrome, his birth parents gave him up and my mom brought him home when he was just little, he and i grew very attached and close to each other, he was in and out of the hospital a lot of times, but I prayed for him.

He almost lost his life, but then a beautiful miracle happened: a special friend at our local hospital, saved his life! and god did too by letting him live. hallelujah! amen.

Now he's much older, has a trach, two Mickey buttons, a slight teenage attitude but mostly: he understands humor. he's in a wheelchair: {he is getting a new one soon} my mom says that he will never walk on his own and I'm okay with that because he's my buddy, basically my best friend.

I actually had another friend who was also in a wheelchair but she passed away in 2015, I have another friend {i don't feel comfortable saying her name} who is also in a wheelchair and she and Mali are really great friends, I am too.

In conclusion: I've lost some really great friends in the last few years, I've either cried, fell asleep in the car, skipped out or missed their funerals.

Funerals are the most painful and hardest thing to attend, I've only ever been to 2 so far and I never attended one after those. it's really sad.

End of story.

Anyway, thank you one last time for your kindness and love on this beautiful app.

Remember that this isn't goodbye,

It's simply,




Love Ya, signing off,

xoxo, Mia. 😘💞

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