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Lucifer stood proudly in front of the newly rebuilt hotel, the strobe of lights flashing rhythmically, lighting up the building's tall figure with a tempting glow to wide-eyed onlookers. The small, misfit army of Hell had defeated Adam and sent killer angels back to Heaven.

There were casualties on both sides, but thankfully only one demon that resided inside the hotel was taken from the realm. Sir. Pentious, an inventor, leader, and friend. Lucifer may have not known the snake demon for very long, but the respect he held for the brave captain was immense.

"What a beauty! And it only took us one musical number to get it all done, that has got to be a record!" The fallen angel nodded his head approvingly, crossing his arms as he twisted his head to observe the small crowd of demons.

The princess stood a few feet away, handing Cherry Bomb a small medical kit as she leaned against a bench. The cyclops woman sent Charlie a small appreciative smile as she took the metal case from her hands.

Turning, she strolled up to her father with tired eyes, exhaustion evident on her features, both mentally and physically from everything she had just experienced in the short span of a few hours.

"We did good, if I do say so myself," Lucifer grinned pridefully to his daughter, blonde hair swaying softly in the breeze as he met her halfway.

"Yeah. That's for doing most of the work, Dad. We wouldn't have gotten it done so fast without your magic." Charlie nodded, smiling softly.

"Pfft, it was no biggie. Anything for my little girl," Lucifer brushed off her compliment with a wave of his hand, before pulling up the sleeves of his white dress shirt.

Charlie and Lucifer stood next to each other in comfortable silence, as the princess absently rubbed the bruise on her throat. Adam's grip had been suffocating, the intention of harm evident on his expressive mask before it was split in two by Lucifer's powerful retaliation.

"I think she'll really like this place, If she hasn't already seen it on TV at the villa." Her father finally spoke after a few moments.

She. Charlie didn't need her dad to say your name to know who he was talking about. You were one of the few women that was on Lucifer's mind these days, and it was obvious the two of you had grown closer these past few months. She was sure if you were at the hotel during the battle the king would have been a raging mess to keep both you and his daughter safe. Fortunately, you were far from anyone who would want to lay a hand on you.

"I think she's a little busy right now, since she's.."

It suddenly occurred, the cloud of exhaustion parting just enough for the recollection of where exactly you had gone to smack Charlie square in the face. The princess had been so busy getting thrown around in battle, mourning her friend, and helping rebuild the hotel she almost forgot why you had left so suddenly.

"She's having her baby!" Charlie suddenly gasped, eyes widening before she threw her hands up to hold her head in realization.

"She's what?" Lucifer whispered, his face paling to an even whiter shade as he froze in place.

"She went into labor this morning, so I had her taken to that hospital you liked," Charlie explained breathlessly, a few demons around them eavesdropping on their conversation as Vaggie walked over with a mirrored expression of realization.

"Alone?" The fallen angel replied, mouth slightly agape as panic began to set into his features.

"One of Pentious' eggs is with her," Cherry Bomb answered softly from her spot on the bench with a melancholy gaze, as she re-wrapped a nasty wound with gauze.

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