After School

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It was the last Class as Branch left what Harper gave him on her desk, and he left a sticky note.

Hey Poppy, Harper told me to leave you this


And he sat down and got his goggles from his desk as he was waiting for his favorite class to start


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It was fun. They made a whole model car and managed to power it while except Poppy. She's only in the class because she needed one more class for her year and she signed up for this

Poppy looked under the desk and saw the note, and she went to Branch “Thank you for returning my binder” Poppy said “No problem you seem out of it? Not used to this class still?” Branch asked “I hate this class I just pure building things, but I needed a class for 4th” Poppy whined as the bell chimed “Hey, since Class is over want to go to this party?” Poppy gave Branch an Invitation “Sorry I'm busy” Branch said bluntly.

Branch left the class and school. You see it's a Thursday, and he has the day off work with all his friends.

Branch got home and went to his room and booted up his PS5 that he saved up so much money and “Hey Guys!” Branch said “Sup!” Trickee and Darnell said sadly Ablaze only plays PC and Hype and Boom play Xbox, but it's the game their playing.

Branch booted up Elden Ring

It was a game Darnell gave to him when he bought it and Trickee said he has beaten it already and Darnell it's midway through the game, “So what class you going to choose B?” Darnell said, “The one with Spear looks good, and they have a healing spell but I want to use fire spells later”.

“Clerics are decent going to stick with spears?” Trickee asked “Probably I might just combo it with fire” Branch said as he started customizing his character “Alright let's do this!” Branch said confidently.

Only after beating the tutorial he was hit with reality “WHAT THE FUCK A BOSS ALREADY!” Branch yelled out as Trickee and Darnell were laughing “It's a land boss just go around him and go to the Grace” Darnell said.

And Branch did just that and talked to the Snow Witch as she gave him his horse. “I forgot how hard this game is” Branch said, and his door opened “Hey my little peachfuzz” Rosiepuff said “Hey Grandma” “Hi Ms. Timberwood!” Trickee and Darnell said in the headset.

“Having fun with your friends” Rosiepuff smiled as she gave Branch a plate of fries she made and gave Branch the ketchup bottle and left the room

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Rosiepuff went to her old laptop and saw a now email

Hi Grandma! It's John! We're Heading back home! And we decided we didn't want to miss anything else for our baby brother, so we're disbanded Brozone! Don't tell Bitty B let it be a surprise!

“Oh John” Her Eldest Grandson has so much work ahead of him just to have a relationship with his baby brother

She hopes Clay has calmed his temper and Spruce has a chance to relax, and Floyd, oh Floyd, always has everyone in his heart. She hopes he's eaten well. Floyd was always the emotionally connected one. He's the only one she hopes stayed the same.

Rosiepuff looked at the messages Branch friends sent her and sent Branch closest friend a massage

Hello Boom it's Branch's Grandmother his brothers are returning soon, so I will appreciate it if you four spend time with him to get him “Prepared”: Rosiepuff

Rainbow Boom: No Problem Ms. Timberwood!

I know it's early, but I'm going to give Branch his present early to make him a bit happy before his Brothers come: Rosiepuff

Rosiepuff went to Branch's room again, this time with her Present “Hey My Little PeachFuzz” Rosiepuff said as she gave Branch her present “I know your birthday isn't until a few more weeks, but I think it's better to give it now” Branch opened the letter and gasped as he took off his headphones

“Grandma” Branch said, “I always see you looking at those motorcycles and I know you will be careful” Branch hugged his Grandmother as Trickee was silent as he was on his Phone while Darnell was clapping “Hey, you should give me a ride one day B” Darnell spoke

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Trickee left the party and turned off his PS5 as he got into a call with Boom who made a group call without Branch “Hey Guys? Ms. Timberwood gave Branch the gift already” Trickee said, “Yeah so about that Branch's brothers are coming back” Boom said silence envelope the call

“What?” Trickee said, “You're joking?” Ablaze said, “Sadly guys I'm not Ms. Timberwood wants us to spend time with Branch before he meets to kind of give him support without telling him” Boom said.

Ablaze scoffed but sighed “He's our friend, were going to do that regardless just… hold me back from punching them” Ablaze said as everyone did a slight chuckle until “Hey Guys!” Hype said “How about we make our own band? Maybe it can piss them off” Hype said, and they all laughed “Actually that isn't a bad idea, but Branch might decline”.

“Either way, let's keep it in mind” Hype said as Ablaze spoke “I mean we are hanging out for pizza soon after midterms. Let's ask him when he's at work. Who has a shift with him?” Ablaze asked.

“I'm there at the shop” Boom said, “But I leave an hour early because I have an appointment with my Dad…” Everyone wished Boom luck “How about in the half of Boom shift we ask him?” Hype said and everyone agreed.

Besides, who wouldn't like to piss off the oldest brothers

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