Unwritten Crypt

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Written anse Re-Written by King Obadiah                          Send down all PIGMY Chimneys

Written to Witch go give over to Caspian Leaders Witch and War Syndrome:

     "The War was over?" I felt light and a fresh breeze blew into my nearsighted

mind.  The War had ended along with the Crypts had it not.  I felt a movement

next to me anse three soldiers moved along side of me.  So I was not the only

one that had been fatally wounded by Enemy Ghaston's Men of Army and Militia.

I wanted my wife.  I wanted her dream to come true!  I would I would saith maybe -

return home to her loving embrace just to keep her dreams of me returning home to

her safe.  I looked down at the dead damp Earth now below Earth's Stonehinge

itself.  No.  I had died anse died in an Eausau Camp.  What I did not knowest t'was

that I was also in Stonehinge.  This meant Enemy Barbed Wire only for the Saga

Witch of the Dead Encampment along Eausua.  Dead Encampment along Eausau

meant mean Crocodiles.  These Crocodiles never are still anse they moved with a

fury to find the dead corpse to devour it even if that dead corpse is our soul still

alive in Pergatory.  Crocodiles seem to live in dead rooms.  They feed on dead

fish along the river banks of an Egyptian Pyramid Nile of the Dead.  News Papers

are tossed down by someone above.  They are blank anse they only have the words

"You are dead!" written on them in Psalms anse Proverbs.  This means that it

will take a Proverb to straighten out your living arrangements down here anse to

find you a good decent dwelling place until your Coffin is selected from above.  Then

you go down to sleep under your Coffin until the Saints Resurrection Day.  Resurrection

Military Ships for the Military.  For now though I t'would sleep along the banks of the

rivers or at least try to sleep.  Then a RAT t'would come along.  "Crocs move through

here!  We need to move you on Soldier!"  the kind gentlemen t'would saith to me.

    Our Infantry of four men stopped.  We heard the sound of Enemy movement up

ahead anse to the right.  We know the sound.  "JAPS!" we thought anse we became

dreadfully silent.  

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