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this includes descriptions of self harm, depression and ect: continue at your own risk.

**shoya's point of view**

"Yesterday I was planning on jumping off a really tall bridge and kill myself, yeah. I know it sounds...wrong.. but a lot of crazy stuff has been happening lately. You know, or..maybe you wouldn't? I don't know."

**third-person point of view**

~shoya muttered to himself, walking down his usual path to get home.. it was a friday, and a few days back he tried to see a certain someone but couldn't. he'd let out a sigh as he entered his house~

"Welcome home shoya!" ~yelled out his mother as she made dinner~

"Sho-Sho!!" ~the little girl screamt out, hugging shoya's knees~
"Ow-Maria- let go-" ~muttered shoya, causing the little rascal to frown as shoya left to his room~

**shoya's point of view**

(shoya's thoughts)
Ow..ow..that hurt.. quite a lot.. nothing to maria stupid decisions.. shit why'd I even try that dumb shit..
(out of shoya's thoughts)

~I looked over at my calendar and picked it up, scrolling through it until reaching December and lifting up the number 15 grabbing my razor blade~

"..Fuck am I really gonna do this again?.."
~I mumbled to myself, looking around to make sure nobody was least my sister was away and Maria was busy with mom.~

~I went to the restroom, closing the door and sitting down. pulling up my pant legs and sighing~
"Okay..just..closed my eyes and swipe.." ~I muttered, pressing the razor against my knee and closing my eyes and swiping. I let out a loud sigh, it felt amazing.~

~I smiled softly and continued swiping over and over again all over my knee before opening my eyes~

"..shit shit shit.. why's it fucking white?'s bleeding too much.. crap why am I like this.."

~I panicked, of course I'm panicking!! why's it white?! did I cut too deep? there's so much blood but it good.~

**third-person point of view**

~shoya panicked, cleaning up his bloody knee and bandaging the cuts before covering his legs and acting like nothing happened. getting up and heading for dinner as if he didn't just cut himself.~

this is lowkey cringe but also a self insert but I rlly needed shoya angst.. btw..what should I put in part two?


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