Chapter 1

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I groaned in my sleep, rolling over on the metal bench before I felt myself go off the edge and land on the floor with an loud thud.

Muttering obscenities under my breath, I rubbed my shoulder and stretched, getting up. Moving to sit back down, I felt pain flare up my shoulder and I cursed the person who designed my prison cell.

First of all, it was practically all metal. The bench gave me back pain, the room made me claustrophobic, and every time I fell because there were no lights, I ended up with an injured body part and a dented spot in the floor.

I was so lost in my thoughts of in what other ways I could possibly injure myself to earn a trip to medical, that I didn't even realize it when my door was unlocked. I was shaken out of my daze when one of the guards that had entered my room said, "Prisoner 347, please stand facing the wall of your cell."

Scrabbling to my feet, I crossed my arms, ready to give him a hard time. "What are you going to do, float me? I'm not even 18 yet."

The two other guards that were standing behind the one who had addressed me tensed as I mouthed off. Damn. Did I really have that bad a reputation that they had to make sure I would follow orders?

When the guard didn't reply to my question, I rolled my eyes and slowly walked over and faced the wall. The guard opened a box and stuck a metal wristband around my wrist. Little needles stuck into my skin and I winced in pain.

Fear ran down my spine as the guard directed me to move towards the door. "I'm not 18 yet," I pleaded, voice shaking. "Please don't make me go!" They were going to float me.

Floating was the Ark's way of killing someone by letting them get sucked out into space to die. It was the penalty for any crime committed, since there wasn't enough oxygen to keep prisoners or people who wouldn't obey the laws onboard. After the nuclear war 97 years ago, 12 space stations joined together to form a society in outer space, and humans have been living up here ever since.  Unless you were like me and under the age of 18, you died for putting a toe out of line. At 18 you got re-evaluated and most likely floated then.

My birthday was a few months away. Maybe they just wanted to get me out of there early.

The guard's face was impassive as he grabbed my arm in order to yank me in the direction I was supposed to go in.

At that exact moment, my reflexes kicked in. Snapping my elbow back into his face, I managed to take the guard by surprise and floor him, blood gushing out of his nose. The other two ran at me as I tried to bolt, and I used the heel of my boot to stomp on the one man's foot hard and then roundhouse kick the other one to the ground.

While the three guards were recovering, I dashed through the cell door and closed it on them, thinking at least I could buy myself some more time to figure out what to do. I wasn't going to walk to my death without a fight.

Facing the hallway of where they kept all prisoners, I was shocked by the sight of guards at each of the cells, dragging teen prisoners away. Some went willingly, while others struggled to free themselves. What was going on?

Then I finally realized something: they were going to float all of us. To give the human race a little bit more time, they were going to kill us, the expendable juvenile delinquents. They were done waiting for us to turn 18.

My face hardened as a guard started walking towards me, shouting something to the other officers not escorting prisoners. I let them come at me before releasing my full rage. Punching one straight in the face, I knocked the shock baton out of his hand and quickly wielded it myself, hitting two other guards in the back and shocking one straight in the balls. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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