Halloween party with anti-social Hanazawa

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I left my shift at the café early, rushing home to prepare for the party. Takato said he'd come pick me up at 7. Waiting...



I've been waiting for 30 minutes, where is that imbecile?

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and ringed Takato. "Where the hell are you? I've been waiting for so long!" I ranted loudly. "Just hang in there, won't you? I'm running into my parents in the house. I'll be there in a few alright?" Takato tried to talk it out. "Fine, just make it quick" I sighed and hanged up. I don't know how that idiot expect himself to get with a girl like Grace with this kind of first impression.

He came a few minutes later, running towards me in a hurry. "C'mon dude, I have the address!" he yelled. "Wait, hold on, what are you supposed to be?" he asked with a clueless face, raising his left eyebrow. He scans over my outfit, I was wearing a bright red sweater with two yellow strips on it, following with grey cargo shorts and red sneakers. "Isn't it obvious? I'm the human version of Lightning McQueen." I said with a smirk on my face, though he kept the same look and shook his head. "Whatever, we're late... Her place is not too far from here." he exhaled and pointed the direction of the house.

We arrived at Grace's entrance after all the chaos on the way there. Takato pulled me along the rocky pathway into the house. Her mansion looked comfortable, it was big with beautiful designs. But I doubt it's as big and admirable as mine.

Grace warmly welcomed us by leading us in the party. The girl wore a baby pink dress, finishing up with a gold crown on top of her head. She had tanned skin, bright blue eyes and rose blonde hair. I suppose she's much of a looker, no wonder Takato's head over heels for someone like her. Though I've never had any interactions with her before, I can tell that she's both beautiful and kind. She looks a year older than me, probably about Takato's age. Her smile looks so warm, her voice is so sweet and the way sh-

"Ooh! You must be Eric. Takato mentioned you yesterday, I assume you guys are pretty close friends?" exclaimed Grace.

"H- huh? Well- kinda- sor- sort of??" I replied awkwardly, stuttering because I was lost in my own thoughts. She's gorgeous..

"Yo dude, are you okay?" questioned Takato.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I replied.

Takato continued talking with Grace while I went deeper into the party, searching for fruit punch. I found the snacks and drinks table behind a group of people. I poured myself a glass of fruit punch, laid my hand on top of the table with the glass in my other hand, staring at the lively teenagers in costumes.

I wonder how they cope so easily with life, how happy they look partying and socializing.

I could never.

45 minutes into the party, I started walking away from the table and towards an open space in the back of the party. The glass still in my hand, I wander in her garden. By then, my social battery had already drained out so I sat down on a nearby bench. I placed my head on the backrest and closed my eyes.

A while later, I heard a female's voice. Squeaky.. annoying and.. irritating.. and-

"Oi, I don't know who you are but I don't think you should be laying around sleeping on our bench like that." she began.

I slowly opened my eye lids and glare at the girl with sleepy, dead eyes. Didn't say a word and kept the look. The girl had reddish brown hair, porcelain skin and bright blue eyes.

"If you're here for Grace's party, you should know that the garden isn't apart of it." continued the girl with a straight face.

"Alright, I'll leave. Forgive me for my bad impression." I replied calmly, stood up and left the garden.

I met Takato right after I left the garden. He put a tight grip to my shoulders and looks at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Where were you Eric?! Anyways, I had a long conversation with Grace and she seem to fancy me a lot. I think there might be a chance for me.." he exclaimed happily, yet I only gave a single nod. My eyes were all on Grace, who was a few steps away from me and Takato. She seemed to be chatting with a couple of teenagers. A few seconds later, she walked away from the group and into the garden. She probably needed some peace and quiet, I assumed.

Grace returned from the garden with her right arm around... the girl, the girl that woke me up earlier. The two girls walk towards us and Grace smiled warmly.

"This is my sister Audrey. She's the reason why I'm usually at your school." Grace introduced.

"That's him, Grace! That's the guy I told you about! He was sleeping on our garden bench-" Audrey yelled while pointing at me.

This brat can't be Grace's sister, they're completely different!

"Oh so you guys have met, I see. Audrey goes to the same high school as you boys and she's a first year." Grace continues "Please do keep an eye on her at school.". Audrey kept her glare at me.

The party ended with Grace giving warm good nights. Then me and Takato walked back home.

- - - - -

The next day at school, Takato was jumping around from joy. Exclaiming how wonderful it felt to talk and spend time with Grace. Sucks for him, he won't be seeing her everyday. Takato is such a silly and cheerful person, he's quite an idiot sometimes, but I treasure him since he's the only person who ever took his time befriending me. Though I care about him, I do have trouble expressing my emotions with him.. or well, anyone else at all.

After school hours, as usual, I head over to the local café a few blocks away from my neighborhood and have a shift there. The owner of the café is one of my mum's close friends. Though I came from a wealthy family, we weren't always rich. Just like most people, my mum had to work hard to get to the top. That's why she's ever at home, barely has time for me. And since I'll have to stand on my own feet when I graduate, I might as well learn how it feels to earn your own money and to spend it.

I work as a server at the café. I must admit, the work isn't too frustrating and I don't get too tired from it unless I had something going on at school before my shift that totally burned me out. Either way, I try my very best to give the right customer service. I wouldn't want to disappoint Ms. Bianchi. The harder I work, the more the income.

After a few minutes into the shift, a regular customer came in and ordered a classic medium sized Brown Sugar Caramel Latte with less ice and the needed amount of sugar. I noted down the drink and wrote his name on top. He walked away from the counter and got his seat after ordering his drink. As soon as his drink was made, I left the counter and walk towards his seating which was a couple steps away, across the entrance. I placed the tray holding the drink on top of my right hand and I slowly walk across the entrance of the café.

All of the sudden, I felt a strong push on my chest and left arm, leading me to collapse onto the floor.


I closed my eyes and opened them again to see my white uniform all soaked up in brown liquid, all sticky and uncomfortable. I thought to myself "Are they fucking blind?" before looking up to see who the person was.

"Eric?" Audrey stutters while looking down at me, who was in an uncomfortable situation all messed up on the floor. She had a cheeky smile on her red face, giggling back at her friends.

I glare up at the girl with sharp eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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