Dance Zone Season 2 Ep. 9 - Art Zone (Script)

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The scene starts at the dance class. The students are dancing, and they finish.

Elaine: Alright, guys, that was perfect! Next week, we'll practice that some more.

Charlie: Hey, Elaine?

Elaine: Yes, Charlie?

Charlie: I was just thinking, I knew that there was a space on the wall (pointing) over there that made it look kind of bare. Would you like me to make something to put there?

Elaine: Can you paint?

Charlie: Yeah!

Elaine: Okay! How much do you want for it?

Charlie: Oh, I can do it for free, I don't care.

Elaine: Are you sure?

Charlie: Yeah, I do it all the time! I don't sell them or anything.

Elaine: Okay, well, if you're sure.

Bo walks up to Charlie.

Bo: Hey, what's going on?

Charlie: Well, you know (pointing) that space on the wall over there?

Bo: Yeah.

Charlie: Well, I'm gonna do a painting to fill the space.

Bo: Oh, cool! Do you want any help?

Charlie stares at Bo.

Charlie: Don't make me say it, Bo.

Bo: What?

Charlie: What? You can barely draw a stick figure, and you're asking if I want help with painting?

Bo: Hey! I'm not that bad!

Charlie: Oh, yeah?

Charlie goes over to her bag and takes out a notebook.

Charlie: Here, draw a stick figure.

Bo: Fine!

Bo looks at the notebook. She turns it counterclockwise and then clockwise. She moves it around, trying to see the best place to start. She does this for several seconds. Charlie looks annoyed. Bo then grabs the pencil from Charlie. She almost begins drawing, but stops, then starts again, then stops. Finally, she draws the stick figure.

Bo: There!

Charlie takes the notebook.

Charlie (pointing): What are these?

Bo: Those are toes.

Charlie: Who draws toes like that?! You got a leg, then a right angle, then another right angle sticking up! Just draw a leg then draw little lines sticking out from it!

Bo snickers.

Charlie: What?

Bo: You said "sticking up," and "sticking out."

Charlie facepalms herself.

*Theme Song*

The scene cuts to Charlie and Bo hanging out in Charlie's basement. Charlie is preparing to paint.

Bo: So, do you know what you wanna paint?

Charlie: Well, I have some sketches here. (Flipping through her sketchbook) Let me see, now... here!

Charlie shows her notebook to Bo.

Charlie: See? I thought of some ballet-esque drawings.

Bo: Oooh! These are nice!

Dance Zone Season 2 Ep. 9 - Art Zone (Script)Where stories live. Discover now