Peppermint Hippo I

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Night had arrived much quicker than you hoped it would. Night time was when the Peppermint Hippo would be open for business, and the beginning of your guys' mission. You knew that you'd agreed to go through with being the distraction tonight, but that didn't stop your nerves from absolutely going haywire.

Standing outside of the flashy Strip Club, you felt your heart leap in your chest, feeling a chill go down your spine. You were trying your best to build up your courage, psych yourself up to continue on with the plan. Every part of you wanted to just run away, but no. You had to prove to the Freedom Pals that you were a team player.

"You alright?" Human Kite's voice asked you from the side, he must've seen that you were fighting an internal battle in your mind. He still cared about you, even though you were still upset with him and not willing to talk.

Crossing your arms over your chest, you turn your head away and look away from him, refusing to acknowledge his presence. You took a few steps forward towards the entrance of the strip club, and looked over the sign that read the hours to the location.

"We've gotta' put our differences aside right now, at least for the mission." Mysterion spoke up, from behind you. He placed a hand on your shoulder, hoping to at least get you to understand this before you all walked inside without being on the same page.

Turning to look at him, you rolled your eyes at Mysterion. "Easy for you to say, isn't it?" You responded with attitude, and shrugged his hand off your shoulder. At least the anger and annoyance you felt from Human Kite and Mysterion were masking the fear that you felt deep down inside.

"I don't know what else to say aside from how sorry I am." Human Kite admitted to you, trying to look you in your eyes. "I'm still willing to do whatever it takes to make it up to you, and I'm goddamn serious." He spoke with determination in his voice.

You tugged at your cloak, and were really unsure how to answer him, you really didn't know what you wanted him to do to make it up to you. However, he spoke up once again before you could even think of a response. "These past few days, not hearing from you. It fucking sucked, dude. It showed me how much I really need you. Then I finally got to see you today..." his voice softened, and a faint smile curved his lips. "God, how happy I was to finally see you after all that time..."

You didn't know how to answer this, your heart absolutely melted at his words. You were so glad that you were wearing a gaiter, otherwise he would've been able to see that you were blushing. That didn't stop you from tugging more on your cloak, wanting to hide your face even more. Maybe your way of getting back at him and forgiving him is after making him feel jealous for you putting on a show in front of all the guys in the strip club.

Seeing that you were tugging at your cloak, he kept his smile, knowing that you fully listened to him, and were getting flustered by his words. This showed him that you at least still were giving him a chance, regardless of how much you were being stubborn and fighting it. Your body language was a dead giveaway of that, so he thankfully wasn't losing hope.

"We good now?" Toolshed asked, and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, yanking you towards the door. "Because I'd rather get this mission over with sooner than later." He flashed you a smile, seeing that Human Kite was a little annoyed at Toolshed for butting into your guys' little moment.

"Let's get this over with." You agreed with him, nodding your head and walked in front of him, pushing the door open to allow you all inside. Upon walking inside of the familiar entrance, the same Security guard from the other day only glanced up at you guys for a few moments, not really caring about your presence.

He looked up from his magazine, and rolled his eyes before muttering something under his breath like 'freaks'. Looking over your shoulder to see the boys following from behind, you pushed through the curtain that led into the main part of the club, the seats all around were filled with eager men enjoying their night.

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