ensayo (monsoon)

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Llamada entrante 📲 mi amada amiga
Allin_ hola amiga que ases?

Clara_ hola amiga estoy en el ensayo de los chicos y te voy a mandar un vídeo musical de una canción que te ha escrito bill

Allin_ ok.

Clara_ Pero tambien van a grabar igual voy a mandarte lo

Allin_ ok.

Clara_ ha enviado un vídeo

             I'm starign at a broken door

There's nothing left here anymore

My room si cold, it's making me


I've been waiting here so long

But now the moment seems to

Have come

I see the dark clouds coming up


Running through the monsoon,

Beyond the world

To the end of Time,where the rain

Won't hurt

Fighting the storm, into the blue

And when i lose myself, i'll think of


Toguether we'll be running

Somewhere new

Through the monsoon

Just me and you

A half-moon's fading from my sight

I see your vision in ist light

But now it's gone and left me so


I know i have to find you now

Can hear your name, i don't know

How ( don't know how)

Why can't we make this darkness

Feel like hombre?

Running through the monsoon

Beyond the world

To the end of Time, where the rain

Won't hurt

Fighting the storm into the blue

And when i lose myself, i'll think of


Toguether we'll be running

Somewhere new

And nothing can hold me back

Fom you

Through the monsoon



I'm fighting all its power coming in

my way

Let it take me straight to you, i'll be

Running night and day

I'll be with you soon

Just me and you

enamorada de Los Hermanos Kaulitz❤️❤️ 😍 (bill  y Tom)Where stories live. Discover now